Four years ago I launched this podcast out of what began several years before as a Tuesday night parent education night at our school. And now this is episode 200!
What have we learned through the 8,000-plus minutes of discussions? Stay tuned as Keith McCurdy and I take a look back to celebrate God’s faithfulness through our many topics, discoveries, and amazing conversations. We will recap highlights and observations from those many episodes on how to raise up the next generation through the critical work being done in classical Christian schools in partnership with families and churches… and survey changes over the last four years in our schools and in our culture.
Keith McCurdy has worked with families, children, parents, and individuals for over 30 years in the field of mental health, working with more than 15,000 individuals and families. He received his Master of Arts and Education Specialist degrees from James Madison University. He is currently the President and CEO of Total Life Counseling, Inc., and is licensed in the state of Virginia as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.