Month: November 2017

Star Wars Does Battle Against the Me Generation

It is all about ME! Discover the greatest you! Just Do It! Be true to yourself! Countless slogans define our culture and whisper to our children…yet we are called to give up ourselves, take up our cross and follow after Jesus. Our guest and national speaker and author Sean McDowell provides insight into how to…

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Classically Schooled Graduates Retell Journey 25 Years Later

If you could fast forward 25 years into the future and interview your kids as adults about their education, what would they say? Our guests today graduated from one of the first classical Christian schools in the country. Based on their positive experiences, they decided to enroll their own children in the same educational model….

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Two Ways to Evaluate a School (Whether Online or Brick and Mortar)

Online learning is a growing alternative to brick and mortar schools. There are lots of advantages to learning outside a traditional classroom, but there are limits to this form of education that may not be obvious. In the midst of all the hype and excitement of learning digitally, here are two litmus tests to help…

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We Don’t Need No SAT Test! There’s a Better Way to Test for College Entrance

For decades the SAT has served as THE doorway that all students have to successfully pass through if they have any hopes of being accepted by reputable colleges. But today the test has been dramatically changed to the point that it is generally not demonstrating the true academic ability of students, especially those in classical…

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