What could be more important than excellent reading, writing, and arithmetic skills? More than ever, we need a generation of students who are cultivated to love what God loves, to think deeply, and to be real world ready. All of that sounds amazing and makes for good open house talks but is there longterm evidence that it actually works? Our guest today, Head of School Jared Squires, has completed a doctoral dissertation that specifically researches the longterm outcomes and impact of classical Christian education on graduates. More than ever, civilization depends on parents and teachers who recognize the power of paideia in our schools. Listen in and get equipped!
Jared Squires has been blessed to be a part of the classical, Christian, University-Model school movement for the past 20 years as a co-founder of Kingdom Prep, trustee, and headmaster. He and his wife, Dana, first learned of the classical, Christian, University-Model school movement in the fall of 1999 when his daughter, who is now 27, was in the first grade. At that moment in his life, the Lord began prompting him in a number of areas regarding what His plans were for his children’s education, as well as His plans for a career. After working “part-time” (evenings & weekends) in education for eight years, he left his career as a healthcare executive in August 2008 to pursue his life’s calling full-time as a school administrator. His educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in finance, a master’s degree in business, and a doctorate degree in education. He has been impacted dramatically by the formation and continued development of Kingdom Prep. He is extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve on a daily basis in the many varied capacities at a classical Christian school.