
Latest Technology Student Impact w/ Chris McKenna

Latest statistics indicate that the average American spends more than seven hours a day looking at a screen with younger Gen Z individuals averaging more than nine hours. Classical Christian schools have the advantage of influencing students’ lives for an average of six hours every school day. As we raise up the next generation, how…

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Fundraising as a Win for Everyone

Our schools exist to raise up the next generation to love the true, the good, and the beautiful and to form hearts and minds and shape affections. Parents contribute financially through the tuition they pay, often at great sacrifice. And yet in almost all cases for non-profit schools, they still need additional funds to reach all their goals from operations to building campaigns. Are there ways for our schools and parents to partner and raise the needed funds in such a way that is winsome, welcome and effective in ultimately creating donors who are joyful, grateful and engaged partners? My guest today is a parent and founder of a classical Christian school and one of the top fundraising experts in the country. You will not want to miss this episode as we explore how to approach fundraising as a mutual win for both parents and academic leadership.

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Fundraising as a Win for Everyone w/ Brad Layland

Our schools exist to raise up the next generation to love the true, the good, and the beautiful and to form hearts and minds and shape affections. Parents contribute financially through the tuition they pay, often at great sacrifice. And yet in almost all cases for non-profit schools, they still need additional funds to reach…

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Vocational Discipleship w/ Tami Peterson

There is no doubt classical Christian students are “real world ready” – academically and generally prepared to make wise decisions in a wobbly world. But even the best educated classic Christian students are teenagers who are still discovering how God has uniquely called, equipped and gifted them in their lives. Their big decision moving forward is how to make good choices about college, their major and ultimately their vocation in leading lives that glorify God through their gifts. My guest today has worked with thousands of Christian students in helping them discover their hard wired aptitudes and skills and guiding them, their parents, and their schools to discern these many decisions that have to be made for life after 12th grade graduation. Join us for this episode of Basecamp Live as our guest discusses how we can help guide our students in a life well-lived.

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Vocational Discipleship w/ Tami Peterson

There is no doubt classical Christian students are “real world ready” – academically and generally prepared to make wise decisions in a wobbly world. But even the best educated classic Christian students are teenagers who are still discovering how God has uniquely called, equipped and gifted them in their lives. Their big decision moving forward…

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Online CCE Success Story w/ Nancy & Bob Donaldson

Imagine classical Christian classrooms with students who are engaged in a deep and lively discussion with fellow students who are located all over the world? Imagine being a small school with a renowned master teacher who instructs a class but who isn’t located in your school building. Long before Covid made online education a reality for many, Bob and Nancy Donaldson launched Wilson Hill Academy and have been positively impacting countless students with a rich online classical Christian education. Few folks have the perspective of both the shortcomings and advantages of a digitally delivered education in our classical Christian space. Whether you are a parent or educator, join us for this episode of BCL as you will hear fresh thoughts and perspectives on this always lively topic!

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Online CCE Success Story w/ Nancy & Bob Donaldson

Imagine classical Christian classrooms with students who are engaged in a deep and lively discussion with fellow students who are located all over the world? Imagine being a small school with a renowned master teacher who instructs a class but who isn’t located in your school building. Long before Covid made online education a reality…

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Growing Fast: The International Expansion of CCE Schools w/ Denise Strickland

Those of us in the good old USA know CCE schools are on the rise, but the amazing story of what God is doing around the world is equally inspirational.  Faithful school leaders and teachers are planting schools all across the globe. And students, regardless of their surrounding culture, are experiencing transformed minds, hearts and…

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Growing Fast: The International Expansion of CCE Schools

Those of us in the good old USA know CCE schools are on the rise, but the amazing story of what God is doing around the world is equally inspirational. Faithful school leaders and teachers are planting schools all across the globe. And students, regardless of their surrounding culture, are experiencing transformed minds, hearts and souls impacting the next generations of students and their extended families. Regardless of where on the planet you are listening from, you will be encouraged by the stories from my guests today – a conversation live from East Asia.

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Lessons from a Teenage C.S. Lewis w/ Hal Poe

When we think of the influential Oxford professor, CS Lewis, writer of such classical literature as the Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity, we think of the mature and articulate scholar. But what would he have been like as a boy and as a teenager trying to find himself? Who influenced him? What educational experiences…

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