
Seeing the Long View

“The days are long and the years are short,” as the saying goes. On any given day, the long scramble from the morning routine of getting our children off to school (finding uniforms, breakfasts, and sprints to the carpool line to a full afternoon of after-school activities, extensive homework) can leave one wondering is the effort worth it? Where is the fruit, especially during seasons of struggle? Kevin Clark joins us to share many of the insights from his book, The Liberal Arts Tradition, along to help remind us of the long lasting fruits of the K-12 classical Christian education journey. It is especially good to hear in these modern times where our form of education and raising up the next generation is increasingly counter-cultural.

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Only For Smart Kids?

Is classical Christian education really for all children, of all abilities? In an age where the number of children with diagnosed needs seems to be spiking, how can schools effectively meet the needs of all children, especially when so many schools work with limited resources? We welcome back Leslie Collins whose last interview a few years ago stirred up a lot of conversation around what is possible for children with special needs. What practical steps can families and schools take to collaborate and ensure that truly no child is left behind? What are the implications for the rest of the classroom and learning objectives for the rest of the class when students of all abilities are included? Join us for this insightful conversation. Plus, learn about Leslie’s newly developed free resource for both schools and parents on this episode of Basecamp Live

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No Parent Left Behind…Partnering with Your School

Parents play a vital role in the success of their children in school. Increasingly, classical Christian schools (CCE) go against the grain of many schools who actively encourage parents to disengage and let them outsource their children’s education to the institution or even the government. But despite a growing culture expecting parents to drop and go, CCE schools stand in direct partnership with parents. Biblically, the school stands under the authority of the parent. But what does this mean practically? How do the home and school really collaborate? Interestingly, a growing number of parents are now choosing hybrid or collaborative schools which offer a blend of education at home and a traditional school setting. Regardless of whether a child is in a hybrid or a 5-day school, there are important and specific ways parents can and should partner as we stand together to raise the next generation.

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How to Be Unlucky: Reflections on the Pursuit of Virtue

My guest today Josh Gibbs is a prodigal and has great wisdom to share from his book, appropriately titled How to Be Unlucky.

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Hope for Today from Voices of Yesterday

There is nothing new under the sun.  That is good news..because the deepest questions of life and faith (who am I, why am I here, where am I going) have been asked throughout history, and in many cases asked better and in more articulate and winsome ways by those who came far before us…

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Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment

What does the world need now? Discernment! It is far more than just gaining wisdom and doing the right thing. It is the key to living the abundant life Christ promises in a world that buries us each day in disparaging headlines and worrisome news…

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The Current State of Classical Christian Education with Eric Cook

There is a sizable migration underway of new families seeking to educate their children classically. Admissions lines are long in most classical Christian schools. Why is this happening now? What does it say about the broader culture? Needless to say, you are at the right place at the right time.

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Got Questions? 100 Answers to Classical Christian Education

Classical Christian Education is a new experience for many people, and whether you are new or have been around a classical school for years, there are many questions about why we do what we do. And since few parents or teachers today grew up in CCE schools, combined with the fact that there are more families than ever joining our schools, you are likely not alone if you have a question. My guest, Dr. Tim Dernlan, is back to share answers to 10 questions from the 100 he has identified and written about in his new book, “A Guide to Understanding Classical Christian Education: 100 Common Questions.”

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Engaging the Gen Z Mind

On this episode of BCL, It’s time to check in again with Brooke Hempell, senior VP at the Barna Group. As a research firm, Barna is tracking the latest trends and changes with Gen Z, the generational name for young people between 6-22 years old – essentially anyone from Kindergarten to college. While in some ways the world is growing smaller as people share mindsets from universal media and technology – generational differences are quite real, and we need to pay attention to them. Questions of identity, belonging, and purpose are big questions all people have wrestled with through time. Of course, the answer to these questions are answered ultimately in Christ, so we need to engage people where they are on this journey. How do we as parents, educators and influencers best support, guide and encourage this generation? Stay tuned….

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Don’t Freak Out!

What is going on in the world today? Just when we think we have seen it or heard it all, we are hit with another crazy curveball. A quick glance at the news often leaves us to say, “can you believe this?” Leaving our fears inflamed, yet we are called as Christ-followers to be faithful, confident, and to model well to our children and students how to live boldly, without fear or anxiety. Easier said than done. It seems much easier to just “freak out.” Marriage and family counselor Keith McCurdy, a BaseCamp Live regular, is back to offer some wise and calming words, some fascinating new statistics, and some practical strategies for navigating whatever life throws at us.

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