
Managing Expectations For Our Children…In Uncertain Times ~ Josh Dyson

Culture often pressures us to believe that results and outcomes matter more than everything else. This attitude can bleed into the classical Christian school realm and affect our parenting. Josh Dyson, Head of the Classical School of Wichita, urges us to consider Augustine who did not receive the gospel during his formative years. Only years later did his conversion come together with his classically trained mind…and the results were explosive! Listen in to hear how can parents can better manage their expectations and wait on God’s prefect timing.

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Best Practices For Redeeming The Time With Kids and Grandkids At Home ~ Laurie Detweiler

Do you have an abundance of Amazon boxes lately? Laurie Detweiler, the Executive Vice President of Veritas Press, offers some creative ideas for you and the special kids in your life. With just a little bit of time and some imagination, parents and grandparents can reinforce skills and history lessons at home. Invite kids to connect anytime via Zoom! Read online together in a different way! Every generation can enrich children of all ages no matter how busy or how much distance is between them. Listen in for some fabulous ideas from an educator who is living this out.

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The Blurring Between School and Home… The New Continuum ~ Marlin Detweiler

The Pandemic has challenged our idea that we have only two choices: homeschool or brick and mortar. The blurring of the lines means more choices. But what is the parent’s responsibility and what is the school’s, especially when every family is different with varying needs? Marlin Detweiler, Executive Director of Veritas Press, encourages parents to figure out where they are on the new continuum…and yet keep their authority whether or not there is a crisis. Listen in to hear his predictions for what the future holds for classical Christian education after the Pandemic.

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How To Build Classical Christian Virtues In The School and Home ~ Dr. Timothy Dernlan

How do we build virtue? Our guests today, Dr. Timothy Dernlan and two special students, share practical applications for teaching virtue that sticks and works. They discuss the methods they’ve used to foster virtue and guard against vice. Dernlan’s new book is Classical Christian Virtues: Contemplating the Good Life.

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Going The Distance! PART 4: Building A Pandemic-Proof Marriage ~ Keith McCurdy

Someone once said, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” But Keith McCurdy believes it’s the marriage, not mama, that we need to be concerned about. In fact, McCurdy shows how a family’s greatest tool to navigate the Pandemic is marriage. But what if your relationship isn’t as strong as it could be? And this shutdown has added extra burdens? McCurdy’s positive and practical steps can help. This last episode of our Going the Distance series will encourage you if you are already feeling supported…or help you reset and come out of this Pandemic stronger than ever. Listen in!

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Going The Distance! PART 3 of 4: Young Adults…There And Back Again ~ Keith McCurdy

High school seniors’ graduation plans have been highjacked and many college kids are back home due to the Pandemic. So how do we maximize this gift of being together 24/7 while respecting each other’s significant differences? Counselor Keith McCurdy addresses these specific age groups in Part 3 of our Going the Distance Series. Learn how parents can help these little birdies who want to fly the nest…but are temporarily “there and back again.”

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Going The Distance! PART 2 of 4: Teachers Save The Day ~ Keith McCurdy

Teachers are having to turn their teaching methods upside down by going online during this Covid-19 Pandemic. But how do teachers save the day for students without losing their own minds? Many are frustrated with the new platform, feeling self-doubt and missing their students. And what is appropriate and inappropriate when connecting online? Speaking directly to classical Christian teachers, counselor Keith McCurdy points teachers away from unhealthy mechanisms and toward a freedom to engage in something that’s a little more clunky right now. Listen in!

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Going The Distance! PART 1 of 4: Grammar School Kids At Home ~ Keith McCurdy

Are you losing your mind or loving these extended days at home? Either way, you don’t want to miss this episode! Our four part series, Going the Distance, begins today. In light of the quarantine we are currently experiencing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, our resident counselor Keith McCurdy offers practical advice to parents of grammar school-aged kids. Learn how to better avoid chaos, partner with your child’s school, entertain grammar school kids (or not!), and reclaim this unique time. Touching on stories he’s seen in the lives of his own clients who are struggling in these areas, McCurdy helps us redeem these days in quarantine with little ones.

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Making the Most of Your Child’s Digital Education In Quarantine ~ Joelle Hodge

Good news during a pandemic…everyone gets a front room seat in a recorded session of digital school! We might as well look on the bright side and make the best of these changing educational platforms during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic. Today, Joelle Hodge, who is the Director of the Scholé Academy and an online distance educational expert, helps parents and teachers see how distance learning can be more than cramming facts and regurgitating information. Listen in today to hear how this is an opportunity reconnect with children in a new way using the classical Christian model!

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Surviving The Pandemic At Home with Kids: 5 Tips To Avoid Chaos ~ Keith McCurdy

As schools lock their doors and families stay home together, parents are asking urgent questions: How do we survive in this world turned upside down due to Covid-19? How do we make the most of it? And how do we help our children not fear what is going on? Counselor Keith McCurdy shares his top five tips for thriving – not just just surviving – during our new reality of being together 24/7. Redeem the time! Find out how on today’s episode! Your family will be stronger for it!

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