
The Power of Rhetoric: What you say and who you are? ~ Chris Maiocca

Politicians and advocates appeal to hearts and minds, but are their ideas and ethics worth following? Students in Classical Christian Schools learn that Rhetoric is more than a tool to get your way…and that speech must emanate from the heart. In this episode, Chris Maiocca shares practical tips to teach students this worthy “life skill”. As the Instructor of Scripture, Classical Rhetoric, and Senior Thesis at The Ambrose School in Boise, ID, he explains how Rhetoric is so much more than just “public speaking”. Teachers and parents, listen in to learn how to bolster your Rhetoric program in your Classical Christian school…or even at home. In fact, you can create an engaging little Athens for children wherever you go. Get ready to be persuaded!

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Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda… Getting Rid of Parenting Regrets ~ Keith McCurdy

Parents, have you ever bemoaned, “I should…”, “I would…” or “I could have…”? Did you fall for trendy parenting advice that was proven invalid? Ever lost your temper? Mix in the high standards of the classical Christian model and we can set ourselves up for disappointment. Most parents – and teachers, too – wish they could could go back in time and change some of their decisions. But don’t beat yourself up. In today’s episode, Keith McCurdy helps us replace regret and guilt with grace and confidence. Thankfully, it is never too late to influence your children…even when they’re grown.

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Groundbreaking Study Reveals 7 Life Outcomes of K-12 Alumni ~ David Goodwin

You have to see it – and hear it – to believe it! David Goodwin, our special guest and President of the Association of Classical Christian Schools, shares the newly published results of the highly regarded Cardus Educational study. Cardus, a top research firm commissioned by the ACCS, measured the influence of Classical Christian Schools on graduates up to twenty-five years later. Cardus worked with Notre Dame’s Sociology Department to conduct a highly scientific, unbiased, and first of its kind study. Released this month for the first time ever, this 89-page comparative study evaluates a broad spectrum of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and life outcomes of alumni ages 24-42. Compared with five other types of schools (public, private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, and homeschool), Classical Christian (ACCS) schools produce alumni who stand out as having an influence in the real world. Listen in to hear some of the fascinating results!

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Grown-Ups Look Back At Classical Christian Education ~ Brett Jones and Erin Meyers

In today’s episode, two adult siblings, Erin Meyers and Brett Jones, reflect on their experience with classical Christian education and its impact on their lives today. While Erin attended public school and Brett attended Faith Christian School in Roanoke,Va. they both see the value that CCE has for real world living. They discuss everything from diversity and freedom of thought to how to read statistics and building a framework of faith. Parents, teachers, and administrators, here are two real world examples of how classical Christian is making a significant difference in the lives of alumni.

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Start Spreading The News… Classical Christian Ed Thrives in NYC

NYC is not an easy place to run a school. With 900+ private K-12 schools in a city of 8.6 million, the competition is fierce. Yet for the last 24 years, The Geneva School of Manhattan has been serving in the heart of the city as a classical Christian school. Rim Hinckley shares how her vision became a reality and how God provided. She also looks to the future and shares why adding a high school at The Geneva School is so important for NYC. Parents, teachers, and administrators, listen in to learn how anything is possible despite the challenges around you and how children educated classically in a Christian environment stand out…even in NYC!

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Top Concerns Parents Have About Classical Christian Schools ~ Peter Baur

Can you list the top barriers that current or prospective parents have when considering CCE? One Head of School found out by hiring a marketing firm and letting a focus group identify their concerns. Peter Baur, Head of School at Faith Christian School in VA, shares the results and how to respond. Their concerns are valid, but they don’t always know the whole story…listen in today!

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How The Medievals Help Us Raise The Next Generation ~ David Goodwin

How do kings, knights and warlords fit with today’s egalitarian values and prepare students for the modern world? Do order and hierarchy have any place? According to David Goodwin, Medieval history teaches children that the world is endowed with a God-given order. Even C.S. Lewis knew this and filled his books with Medieval meaning. Listen in to hear how studying this astounding time period can capture the imagination and heart for Christ.

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Classical Conversations Is Growing Like Wildfire…125,000+ Homeschoolers ~Robert Bortins

One of the fastest growing segments in Classical Christian Education is homeschooling. Robert Bortins, the Chief Officer of Classical Conversations, shares how the company his mother founded in 1997 is meeting the needs of 120,000 worldwide and 50,000 families…allowing families to educate children in ways that glorify God and best meet their children’s needs. An excellent reminder about how a classical education is a wise choice no matter how you choose to educate.

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Helping Teens Answer “Who am I?” ~ John Murray

How do images affect teens? John Murray is the author of the recent book, In Whose Image? Image-bearers of God vs. The Image-makers of Our Time. In this fascinating interview, Murray shares classroom research, his interview with Charlton Heston, and four ways that images affect us. Learn practical ways to talk about image and identity in the classroom and around the table. It’s no surprise that the Socratic method is one of the most helpful tools to help teens!

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Meet Classical Hall of Fame Member, Mortimer Adler

If Classical Christian educators promoted a Hall of Fame, Mortimer Adler would surely make the list. Dr. Robert Woods, author of the newly released Mortimer Adler’s The Paideia Way of Classical Education, introduces us to the man often called the “Father of Classical education.” Find out what Adler’s Great Books approach means practically for teachers, students and learners today, both in the classroom or the homeschool environment. Ultimately, following the Great Books model promotes a culture of conversation that is priceless and timeless.

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