
Image Bearers: Becoming who you were made to be – Peter Baur

There seems to be an epidemic today of young people who don’t know who they are. They grasp for affirmation and value through their performance or a social media like. Our guest today says that classical Christian schools are uniquely positioned to light a fire of hope, purpose, and meaning in our students as they discover what it really means to be made in the image of God. Listen in as I interview Peter at the Society for Classical Learning conference.

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Is Old ‘Bad’ and New ‘Good’ or the Other Way Around? – Chris Perrin

Oh ye classical people, why do you cling to your old ways?  With your ancient books and Latin drills… What’s wrong with modern forms of education? Are we just like the old couple that thinks everything good in the world stopped happening 50 years ago? All fair questions.  When classical meets contemporary, what do we have to keep and what can we just throw out?  Listen now to what Chris Perrin has to say about how to evaluate old vs. new.

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Worldview isn’t Enough – Peter Vande Brake

It has been said that, “the purpose of education is not thinking; it is acting. It is not just knowing what to do; it is doing it.” This means that worldview training, getting the right answers to the big questions in life, is in and of itself not enough since we are more likely to be directed by our longings and loves than our thoughts. We are tackling this topic and more with my guest Dr. Peter Vande Brake on this episode of BaseCamp Live.

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Wimpy or Worn Out? Finding the balance – Keith McCurdy

Classical Christian kids are asked to give a lot of their time and mental energy to school and life in general. Parents can make the mistake of being too sympathetic (“oh, so sorry for your hard day at school…”) and risk making our kids soft, or we can fail to understand the real pressures and risk burning them out. Ultimately, life satisfaction is tied to our children’s ability to know they are valuable, are capable, and have a place to belong in this world. How we direct them with their work and responsibilities can make a real difference in how they answer those questions positively.

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A Fresh Perspective from Africa on this “Classical Christian School Thing” – Karen Elliott

It is easy at times to get discouraged when we look at American culture and the state of education in most American schools. Can classical Christian education really be a transformative education that can deeply shape the affections and minds of our children? Sometimes it takes stepping out of our own familiar surroundings to see what God is doing globally with classical Christian education to appreciate the impact that is possible. The same education that is transforming students in America to love the good, true and beautiful is now radically transforming boys and girls in more than 10 countries in Africa, who are now standing for Biblical truth and looking forward to a life of healthy opportunities. Karen Elliot, Executive Director of the Rafiki Foundation, shares some compelling stories and will give you an even greater appreciation and understanding of this powerful form of education whether in American suburbia or an African small town.

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You Are What You Sing – Jarrod Richey

Classical folks make a big deal out of singing and knowing how to play music. Is there more to it than just wanting us to be well rounded? Even for those who can’t carry a tune and only know pop songs, it is important to raise a generation to know and experience music that has stood the test of time over the centuries. The reasons why may surprise you.

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Wisdom from Alistair Begg on Raising the Next Generation

Alistair Begg has been a familiar voice around the world as a Bible teacher on Truth for Life. On this episode he shares his story of growing up in a Scottish school and then gives us insights on how to raise the next generation to not grow weary…

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Education is not Neutral Oatmeal – Doug Wilson

Oatmeal is bland stuff. It only tastes good when it has been flavored with lots of brown sugar! But education is not oatmeal; it isn’t neutral. You can’t just sprinkle some Christ on top of any form of education and make it effective. Join us for this episode as Doug Wilson, who is often credited with the rediscovery of classical Christian education 40 years ago, explains his vision for education…

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Some Things Don’t Change. Raising A Generation with Truth – John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur has been a pastor-teacher for more than five decades. His radio show ‘Grace to You’ airs on more than 1,000 stations per day and is downloaded more than 2 million times per month. And he is unashamedly confident that despite the constant changes around us in pop culture and technology, God’s Truth doesn’t change. He has recently put initiatives in place to help equip a new generation of teachers in classical Christian schools. Join us as Dr MacArthur shares practical wisdom on how to raise a generation to follow boldly after Christ on this episode of BaseCamp Live.

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Great Books…Great to Whom? Why It Matters – Louis Markos

We often hear a lot about the importance of reading the Great Books, but who decided what is a Great Book? Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid are continuing to break sales records; are they the next Great Books? The answer matters, and you may be surprised why… Stay tuned as we hear from Dr. Louis Markos on this important topic.

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