
You Are What You Sing – Jarrod Richey

Classical folks make a big deal out of singing and knowing how to play music. Is there more to it than just wanting us to be well rounded? Even for those who can’t carry a tune and only know pop songs, it is important to raise a generation to know and experience music that has stood the test of time over the centuries. The reasons why may surprise you.

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Wisdom from Alistair Begg on Raising the Next Generation

Alistair Begg has been a familiar voice around the world as a Bible teacher on Truth for Life. On this episode he shares his story of growing up in a Scottish school and then gives us insights on how to raise the next generation to not grow weary…

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Education is not Neutral Oatmeal – Doug Wilson

Oatmeal is bland stuff. It only tastes good when it has been flavored with lots of brown sugar! But education is not oatmeal; it isn’t neutral. You can’t just sprinkle some Christ on top of any form of education and make it effective. Join us for this episode as Doug Wilson, who is often credited with the rediscovery of classical Christian education 40 years ago, explains his vision for education…

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Some Things Don’t Change. Raising A Generation with Truth – John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur has been a pastor-teacher for more than five decades. His radio show ‘Grace to You’ airs on more than 1,000 stations per day and is downloaded more than 2 million times per month. And he is unashamedly confident that despite the constant changes around us in pop culture and technology, God’s Truth doesn’t change. He has recently put initiatives in place to help equip a new generation of teachers in classical Christian schools. Join us as Dr MacArthur shares practical wisdom on how to raise a generation to follow boldly after Christ on this episode of BaseCamp Live.

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Great Books…Great to Whom? Why It Matters – Louis Markos

We often hear a lot about the importance of reading the Great Books, but who decided what is a Great Book? Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid are continuing to break sales records; are they the next Great Books? The answer matters, and you may be surprised why… Stay tuned as we hear from Dr. Louis Markos on this important topic.

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Sports Gone Mad: How to Reclaim Balance For Our Children – Ken Sugarman

Sports teams that go year round or travel most weekends appear to be the trend…but how is this affecting children and how can we navigate the pitfalls of an athletic industry gone mad?

Today’s guest, Ken Sugarman, walks us through the problem and shares what he sees after 15 years of collegiate coaching and as a father raising two athletic sons. The landscape is strewn with burned out youth, pushy parents and more injuries than ever before. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Coach Sugarman encourages parents in practical ways how to affirm their little athletes while not letting sports control the life of the family or our hearts.

“Rightly ordered affections” is what classical Christian education is all about, and that includes our response to sports and modeling it for our kids. Be encouraged by this timely conversation today with Ken Sugarman, a coach in the trenches.

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How A Low View of the Body Leads to Dehumanization in the Culture – Nancy Pearcey

My guest today, Nancy Pearcey, has been called America’s preeminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual. Her book Total Truth was a best seller along with the book she authored with Chuck Colson: How Now Shall We Live. In this interview she talks about her latest book, Love Thy Body, which asks the hard questions about life and sexuality that we hear in many of the conversations and debates in the broader culture. It is an excellent resource for anyone raising the next generation… Stay tuned….

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20 Years Ago He Found only 6 Christian Colleges Faithful and Today…. – Robert Benne

20 years ago Robert Benne searched far and wide to find historic Christian colleges and universities that had remained committed to their founding Christian vision and mission. At that time he found six schools and today he is hard pressed to find any. But there is hope and ways to choose wisely, so stay tuned for this episode as we hear from Robert Benne – respected author, speaker and founding director of the Roanoke College Center for Religion and Society…

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Preparing for and Surviving in College – An Insider’s View – Austin Gentry

Colleges are increasingly challenging places for Christians. Austin Gentry is a 20-something millennial who has written a new book for surviving college. As this generation is increasingly exiting the church as they enter college, students from Christian schools are not immune.  In our interview, he shares some stories of what he is seeing on respected university campuses today and how he is helping a generation to rediscover the truth of the Gospel. His book, 10 Things Every Christian Should Know for College, is a practical guide to life in college that has good insights even for those whose children are not college aged.

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Former Tommy Hilfiger Marketing Director Discovers Classical Christian Education (Part 1)

Gordon Pennington is one of the best cultural translators out there. His life reads like a fascinating adventure novel. In his marketing days in New York as the head of marketing for Tommy Hilfiger, he was courted by MTV and jet setting with celebrities and stars including David Lee Roth, Prince Albert and Johnny Depp. Gordon has served in places of media influence and understands how culture shifts. As a Christian, he now works tirelessly as a visionary and cultural liaison to governments, corporations, non profits and ministries in all parts of the globe. His life is a rich tapestry but he always points to the transformative discovery he made when visiting a middle school classroom at a classical Christian school…

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