
Prom vs. Protocol – Afraid of Putting on Dancing Shoes? Prom A Better Way – Dell Cook

It’s called the night that you will remember for the rest of your life… high school prom… yet for most of us, prom and other junior high and high school dances were anything but positive experiences. It doesn’t have to be this way! Join us for this episode of BaseCamp LIVE as we hear of ways schools are creating compelling, positive dances and events that your children will love….

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Prom vs. Protocol – Afraid of Putting on Dancing Shoes? Prom A Better Way – Dell Cook

It’s called the night that you will remember for the rest of your life… high school prom… yet for most of us, prom and other junior high and high school dances were anything but positive experiences. It doesn’t have to be this way! Join us for this episode of BaseCamp LIVE as we hear of ways schools are creating compelling, positive dances and events that your children will love….

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THE BACKSIDE: Brooke Hempell of Barna Research discusses raising Gen Z

Join Brooke and Davies as they continue their discussion on raising Gen Z kids and what parents can do to help them navigate an often dark and confusing world.

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What do parents of engaged Christian teens do differently? – Brooke Hempell

Barna’s VP of Research, Brooke Hempell, reveals the latest research on Gen Z’ers that shows a specific habit and rhythm among parents of engaged Christian teens that will encourage you to do the same.

Listen in and learn the behavioral traits that seem to be helping Christian parents raise teens who stay engaged with their faith, even in the face of a confusing and dark world.

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Our world is more WONDER-filled than you realize! – Dr. Gordon Wilson

A riotous nature documentary reveals stunning secrets that will inspire, delight, and transform! Did you know there are 1,068 different kinds of water bugs? All with unique created traits… The natural world cries out displaying the handiwork of the Creator – a fact which is often lost on a digital generation who are not outdoors nearly enough. Can a nature documentary with a Christian worldview jumpstart your family’s adventure into the astounding world all around us? What better way to understand God’s creative character then to start observing all the incredible creatures that he molded and sculpted with incredible detail and forethought. Join me as Dr. Gordon Wilson talks about ways to get out and marvel at what God has made in what is being called a “boisterous nature documentary” in theaters this month.

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A view from Canada: Progressive Education and what’s coming next for America – Scott Masson

What will our culture look like in 10 years? In this world of rapid change, do Europe and Canada foreshadow what is coming to the USA? My guest today is on the front lines as a professor, pastor, educator and parent in progressive Canada. You will likely be shocked at some of the latest political and cultural changes, but there is good news and some lessons learned for us as we raise up the next generation.

We invite you to listen in…

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How do we form a human soul? What Charlotte Mason knew about the art of education – Bill St. Cyr

How do we make education a joyful discovery? Is it knowledge alone or do relationships have something to do with it? What kind of relationship does your child have with history, with their siblings, with math, with their teacher? If relationships are important, how do we shape the affections of what our children love? Perhaps the environment we create, and what we celebrate or criticize can have a huge impact. Learn more about what Charlotte Mason knew about children and how they learn as we welcome Bill St. Cyr, founder of Ambleside Schools. Listen in…

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Finding Time in a World on the Run – Dick Keyes

More than 50 years ago Francis and Edith Schaeffer were led to open their home in Switzerland as a place for folks to retreat to in order to work through issues of life and faith. They named it L’Abri Fellowship. My guest today has served people for 30 years at the Boston branch of L’Abri and has practical suggestions for ways we can be restored as folks consumed in raising the next generation, even if we can’t make our way to Switzerland!

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THE BACKSIDE (part 2): Q&A on ‘91% of Americans Agree With This..’ – Jim Mhoon and Scott Yenor

91% of Americans agree that “the best way to find yourself is to look inside yourself.” New research from Barna Group reveals the degree to which Americans pledge allegiance to the “morality of self-fulfillment.” What does this mean for raising the next generation? This track is part 2 of a live audience Q&A with Jim Mhoon and Scott Yenor. Listen to Part 1 first (91% of Americans Agree With This; Do You? Does Your Child?)

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THE BACKSIDE (part 2): Q&A on ‘91% of Americans Agree With This..’ – Jim Mhoon and Scott Yenor

91% of Americans agree that “the best way to find yourself is to look inside yourself.” New research from Barna Group reveals the degree to which Americans pledge allegiance to the “morality of self-fulfillment.” What does this mean for raising the next generation? This track is part 2 of a live audience Q&A with Jim Mhoon and Scott Yenor. Listen to Part 1 first (91% of Americans Agree With This; Do You? Does Your Child?)

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