
Scott Anderson of Desiring God: What Our Kids Love Most

Parenting at it’s most basic level is guiding the next generation to love what God loves. Pastor John Piper has built his ministry around the transformative idea that God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.

Scott Anderson, CEO of Piper’s Desiring God Ministries, inspires parents in the practical ways to desire God and make one’s greatest love, ambition and satisfaction be in Jesus – not easy to do in a world that is constantly offering alternatives. We are joined in the studio with David Goodwin, president of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools, a frequent guest on the show. We invite you to listen in…

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Helping Teens Find Purpose in an Age of Anxiety and Depression – Tom Velasco

What is the one core life ingredient that every person must have? Without it teenagers can become susceptible to depression, anxiety and even suicide. But with it, a person is more likely to live in confidence, despite the challenges around him or her. And in particular, how does a school environment add to or take away from this ingredient? What is it? Purpose – and the reason why may surprise you.

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Why Future Engineers Desperately Need a Liberal Arts Education – David Cutbirth

There is a lot of fear today that children are not getting enough science and technology training, especially in a K-12 classical Christian school. 

The race for technical skill training is in many ways undercutting the type of education that is really needed to be a success in the scientific and engineering industries. As the demand for more K-12 STEM education continues culturally, it is time to ask: is this really the best way to prepare tomorrow’s scientists, computer programmers and engineers? My guest today is a founder and president of a top engineering firm and he has some words of encouragement to those raising the next generation in a high tech world. What does this leader in a high tech industry really want in an employee?

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Star Wars Does Battle Against the Me Generation – Sean McDowell

Sean McDowell – It is all about ME! Discover the greatest you! Just Do It! Be true to yourself! Countless slogans define our culture and whisper to our children…yet we are called to give up ourselves, take up our cross and follow after Jesus. Our guest and national speaker and author Sean McDowell provides insight into how to help the next generation love what is true, good, and beautiful more than oneself. And who would guess that the Star Wars stories are a creative springboard to have those conversations with young people about why living for something bigger than yourself is the best way to live.

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Classically Schooled Graduates Retell Journey 25 Years Later

If you could fast forward 25 years into the future and interview your kids about their education, what would they say? My guests today graduated from one of the first classical Christian schools in the country and their observations and reflections now, more than two decades later, are an encouragement to anyone raising the next generation. Stay tuned…

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Two Ways to Evaluate a School (Whether Online or Brick and Mortar)- Chris Schlect

In this episode of Basecamp LIVE we examine the growing trend of online education. There are lots of advantages to learning outside a traditional classroom, but are there limits to this form of education that may not be obvious at first. My guest Dr. Chris Schlect is a master teacher and educator who gives us two tools to evaluate not only online education but any classroom and teaching environment. Stay tuned…

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We Don’t Need No SAT Test! There’s a Better Way to Test for College Entrance – Jeremy Tate

For decades the SAT has served as THE doorway that all students have to successfully pass through if they have any hopes of being accepted by reputable colleges. But today the test has been dramatically changed to the point that it is generally not demonstrating the true academic ability of students, especially those in classical Christian schools. Given the ‘dumbing down’ of the test, many students are now getting the highest scores possible and colleges are quickly finding the SAT to be less of an indicator of ability. Enter Jeremy Tate, a former college admissions, test prep consultant, and counselor who was so alarmed by the changing SAT that he crafted the Classic Learning Test (CLT) as a means of restoring the foundations of Western education. And best of all… colleges are welcoming students who submit this new test with their applications!

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1 Million Dead in 100 Days – Education as a Killing Machine

How is it possible that in a 100 day period a group of people, who had lived in community, killed 1.1 million of their neighbors? What could explain this unimaginable act of Genocide that devastated the country of Rwanda in 1994? Education. Because education without virtue is dangerous. But in stark contrast schools infused with Truth, Goodness and Beauty can be powerful agents of grace and hope. Stay tuned to hear the incredible story of God’s restoring a nation through a unique classical Christian education model that is as effective in Rwanda as it is in urban or suburban America today…

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THE BACKSIDE: More on Gen Z with Barna research VP Brooke Hempell

Continue the conversation with Brooke and Davies as they look at the characteristics of Gen Z and how both culture and parenting style has influenced the way they think.

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Under 18: Barna Researcher Shares the Latest Findings on Gen Z

In this episode I’m interviewing Brooke Hempell, VP of Research for the Barna Group. Their latest work investigates Gen Z, the current K-12 generation whose unique approach to the world presents unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Listen now to gain practical insights on raising and supporting the Gen Z generation.

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