
Why I Chose a Classical Christian School after 15 years working in public and charter schools

My guest today spent 15 years in public and charter school classrooms and administration. When it came time to pick a school for his own children he had a unique perspective that few parents have. You don’t want to miss today’s episode as shares the questions that he and his wife asked, and that all parents should be asking about their child’s school.

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Haphazard or Intentional: Raising the Next Generation with Purpose – Luke Davis

My guest today, Luke Davis, moved across the country because of a vision he has for raising up his children and running his school. His story is a good reminder for all of us, regardless of where we are living.

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Anxiety Free Learning and Living – Chris Perrin

Frazzled and frantic are good words to describe modern life and frankly, modern education. But it hasn’t always been this way! There was a time when education was a process of joyful discovery, with plenty of time to reflect, even savor, what one was learning — something we all could use more of in our hyper-paced world. Our guest Chris Perrin is leading the charge to regain a bit of sanity in how we, and our children, live and learn… Stay tuned…

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What is on my kid’s phone? – Chris McKenna

Today younger and younger aged children carry with them a one-eyed Cyclops screen monster, called a “smart phone” that can immediately connect a young person not only to their parents and positive resources, but in the swipe of a finger to some of the darkest and most addicting dangers ever presented in the history of the world to young people. There is good news, and some simple steps, you can take to help you and your child navigate the smart phone world. Our guest today is Chris McKenna….

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What You Need to Know About School Accreditation and Certification – David Goodwin

How can you be sure that the school your child is attending is accredited and up to standards? And what about teachers – are they qualified and certified by some external agency to ensure a consistent excellent teaching environment for your child? Guest David Goodwin clears up the confusion surrounding accreditation and certification, and shares what parents need to know.

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What You Need to Know About School Accreditation and Certification – David Goodwin

How can you be sure that the school your child is attending is accredited and up to standards? And what about teachers – are they qualified and certified by some external agency to ensure a consistent excellent teaching environment for your child? Guest David Goodwin clears up the confusion surrounding accreditation and certification, and shares what parents need to know.

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Four Years That Stick With You for Life – Ben Merkle

What questions should you be considering when evaluating colleges today? What are some of the myths and realities surrounding degrees and careers and where those lead? What kinds of skills should they learn that will really stick with them and push them toward leadership positions? College president Ben Merkle helps answer these questions for you and your family on this episode of BaseCamp Live.

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K-12 and then to college- who made this up? Does it even make sense?

Have you ever wondered why we do school as K-12? Why not 2-14? And college is 13th grade? Who made up all these rules and are they even right for your kids? Stay tuned for a thought provoking conversation on the topic…

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“I was robbed” – George Grant

Imagine being in graduate school and discovering a large portion of what you learned in high school and college was factually and historically wrong… and that you had been denied critical knowledge that would literally change how you see the world and want to raise your children. That is the story of my guest today, George Grant. What he found redirected his vision of what he wanted for his children, and is helpful for anyone raising up the next generation.

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My Ugly is Your Pretty: Beauty Matters – Steve Turley

The word “beauty” has gotten a bad rap these days. Modern folks generally toss it aside as an irrelevant and impractical thing, relegated to something soft and impractical, best for little girls having tea parties. Even the phrase “Truth, Goodness and Beauty” rank orders beauty as a distant third. Steve Turley defends beauty as essential to how we and our children rightly see God and the world around them. He insists we must recover these transcendent values in order to prevent the dehumanizing tendency in modern education and renew the cultivation of virtue in our students.

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