
Kids & Money: Wisdom on Raising Kids in the Material World – Brian Wiley

Jesus spoke about money more than any other topic. Hear practical tips for raising up the next generation to have a healthy Biblical understanding of the role of money and to avoid the temptations of the daily message around most students that their highest value is to produce and consume.

With Brian Wiley, radio host of Idaho’s Money

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80% of college students will walk away from Jesus – or NOT! – Josh McDowell

Few people have the perspective and wisdom of Josh McDowell when it comes to encouraging young people to have a deep and abiding faith in Christ that can endure for a lifetime. Today’s students face a unique set of challenges and Josh speaks to practical ways today’s parents can encourage their children to flourish and gain a deep and lasting faith.

EPISODE 4: With national speaker Josh McDowell reflecting on 50 years of working with students

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Do Classical Christian Schools Make Wimpy Boys? – Carl Warmouth

Boys are made to someday become Godly men, fully alive and bold yet filled with depth of faith and character. Something about uniforms, manners and character development causes some to assume that classical Christian schools will not make real men. Will such an environment create soft, wimpy boys? Hear real life stories of how boys at Ambrose have been able to balance being young men of integrity and character, while enjoying the bold and fully red-blooded American life!

EPISODE 3: With Grammar School Dean Carl Warmouth

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Going the Distance… 5 Kids = 65 Years in a classical Christian School – Bruce & Val MacMahon

13 years is a long journey from Kindergarten to 12th grade, but the vision they bought into at an Open House two decades ago kept them inspired. 5 children at 13 years each equals 65 cumulative years! Parents today can be easily swayed by social media and parking lot grumblings or enamored with offerings of other schools. How and why did the MacMahons go the distance? Was it worth it? Listen and find out.

EPISODE 2: With Ambrose parents Bruce and Val MacMahon

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Going the Distance… 5 Kids = 65 Years in a classical Christian School – Bruce & Val MacMahon

13 years is a long journey from Kindergarten to 12th grade, but the vision they bought into at an Open House two decades ago kept them inspired. 5 children at 13 years each equals 65 cumulative years! Parents today can be easily swayed by social media and parking lot grumblings or enamored with offerings of other schools. How and why did the MacMahons go the distance? Was it worth it? Listen and find out.

EPISODE 2: With Ambrose parents Bruce and Val MacMahon

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THE LAUNCH: Why You Need BaseCamp Live & Why We Don’t Need No Education – David Goodwin

This first episode explains the why this podcast came into existence and how it will encourage and equip parents and those involved in raising up the next generation to flourish as Christ followers. Join David and Davies as they share their own stories of having a radical rediscovery of the entire purpose of education. This caused them to individually make a dramatic life and job change to join the work going on in classical Christian schools to cultivate the affections and shape what our children love.

With ACCS president David Goodwin

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THE LAUNCH: Why You Need BaseCamp Live & Why We Don’t Need No Education – David Goodwin

This first episode explains the why this podcast came into existence and how it will encourage and equip parents and those involved in raising up the next generation to flourish as Christ followers. Join David and Davies as they share their own stories of having a radical rediscovery of the entire purpose of education. This caused them to individually make a dramatic life and job change to join the work going on in classical Christian schools to cultivate the affections and shape what our children love.

With ACCS president David Goodwin

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