Slow School in a Fast World with Eliot Grasso
Unlock the secrets of classical Christian education with our enlightening conversation with Eliot Grasso, accomplished Irish musician and vice president and tutor at Gutenberg College. Prepare to challenge your notions about the efficiency of education as we trail-blaze beyond the modern world’s relentless pursuit of immediate results. Grasp the profound benefits of an inefficient education that strikes a harmonious balance between ambition and service, shaping individuals into thoughtful contributors to society.
Surround yourself with the wisdom of Eliot’s unique teaching experience at Gutenberg College. Together, we dissect the significance of a slower, deeper learning approach that enables a thorough exploration and understanding of the subject matter. We shine a spotlight on the tension between wanting to be a winner and desiring to serve others, drawing intriguing parallels to our motivations in education.
Close out your day with a fascinating dive into the world of classical education and its standout benefits for children. For all you parents out there, we navigate the intricacies of pursuing classical education as an act of love for your children. Tune in as we unravel Gutenberg College’s unique approach, where students engage with Great Books in small groups, honing their critical thinking skills and preparing to become adaptable generalists in the workforce. Experience the transformation of students who have traversed this path as we uncover the profound impact of classical education.
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