How A School Works
In this podcast, David Seibel, head of Coram Deo Academy, addresses the challenges faced by classical Christian schools and highlights the crucial role of collaborative leadership. Seibel asserts that these schools require a cohesive vision and a division of labor, involving parents, volunteers, administrators, board members, and business leaders in order to prevent mission drift. He emphasizes the need to understand a school’s stage in its life cycle and adapt expectations accordingly. The conversation also explores the importance of training volunteers, engaging dads, and fostering a Christ-centered culture. Seibel encourages administrators to invest in their own development to stay ahead of challenges and underscores the significance of contextualizing classical education within a school’s unique circumstances.
Furthermore, David Seibel accentuates the value of cultivating a healthy school culture through open communication and inspiring teachers and administrators to share ideas and participate in problem-solving. The conversation touches upon the founders’ dilemma and the necessity of institutional transfer from one generation to the next, ensuring the school’s mission and values are preserved. Ultimately, Seibel’s insights emphasize the vital aspects of adaptability, collaboration, and upholding core principles in the classical Christian school environment. Engage in this informative conversation and discover how these principles can impact the lives of students and the future of Christ’s Kingdom. Listen and share today!
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