Perhaps no writer or thinker is more often quoted around classical Christian schools than famed Oxford and Cambridge professor C.S. Lewis. Most of our schools engage Lewis’ writings through the K-12 journey, inevitably reading his Chronicles of Narnia series, but the Cair Paravel Latin School takes Lewis to an even higher level of engagement, and the fruit both enriches the educational experience and inspires the students. Join me for this intriguing conversation with two members of their teaching staff. You will find even more to love about Lewis to not only apply in your school but also your home.

Craig Congdon:
Born and raised in Topeka KS, I attended Cair Paravel Latin School from 1st-12th grade. Afterward I attended John Brown University, majoring in Bible and Spanish, and then headed to Dallas Theological Seminary where I earned my Masters in Theology. After graduating, I returned to Topeka where I pastored a small church for 5 years while teaching part-time at CPLS. I now teach full-time as a rhetoric school teacher. While at CPLS I have taught, Bible, hermeneutics and theology, rhetoric, philosophy, Greek, Spanish, and even a dance elective. I also direct the HS dramas and coach the boy’s volleyball team.
Christine Ewing:
Lover of Narnia and a Kansas girl through and through, I was raised in a small north central Kansas town. I attended Kansas State University where I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts. My husband and I moved to Topeka upon college graduation and have sent our children to Cair Paravel Latin School. We now have a daughter in her sophomore year in college, a daughter in her sophomore year in high school at CPLS, and a sixth grade daughter at CPLS. I teach grammar school art, an occasional high school independent study, and do visual arts marketing within the school.