There is no such thing as value-neutral education. One can’t just teach reading, writing and arithmetic in a vacuum. Culture is being formed in and around us all day long. In this podcast, Andrew Zwerneman, the head and president of Cana Academy, discusses the vital importance of cultural formation in education. To inform is to form… Education is a culture-shaping activity and schools are one of the primary arenas where culture, attitudes and faith are formed, for good or ill. Classical Christian schools, therefore, are culture shaping organizations involved in the critical work of forming the souls of the next generation. Listen now as we unpack how the culture we shape at home and school is what drives who our children become, what they love and how they make decisions and ultimately how they impact Christ’s Kingdom… Listen and share today!
Biography: Andrew J. Zwerneman
Andrew J. Zwerneman serves as Cana Academy’s President and as one of our Master Teachers. For 39 years, he has taught and consulted in secondary schools that emphasize classic humanities. For 19 years he headed schools—2 at the public charter school, Tempe Preparatory Academy in Tempe, Arizona, 17 at Trinity School at Meadow View in Falls Church, Virginia. He is the founder and owner of The Academy Project, LLC, which wrote the curricula and trained faculties for Thomas MacLaren School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Trinity Academy in Portland, Oregon. Education: B.A., A.B.D., University of Notre Dame; M.A., St. John’s University. He is the author of History Forgotten and Remembered (2020) and The Life We Have Together: A Case for Humane Studies, A Vision for Renewal (2022).