Is it godly to be anti-tech? Recent studies indicate the average American teen is spending 7-9 hours a day in front of a screen. Even if our students are not consumed by media 7-9 hours a day, technology for us as adults and our children is an inevitable part of life. Too often our way of mitigating this influence is simply to implement an ever-increasing number and kind of filters and controls. While that is important, my guest today, Tony Reinke, provides a thoughtful and thorough examination of our relationship with technology and the underlying theology we should use to choose how to live the Christian life well in our digital age. Tony’s observations are both realistic and hopeful as he makes practical recommendations for how we live in the world of technology but keep from being of it! Join Davies Owens for the latest episode of BaseCamp Live.
Tony Reinke is a journalist, teacher, and host of the Ask Pastor John podcast for Desiring God. He is the author of Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books and Competing Spectacles and 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You.