Looking for a way out of the frazzle and rush of life? Whether you are an administrator, teacher, or parent, the practical wisdom from my guest today is just for you. Justin Whitmel Earley endured his own season of crisis and discovered the power of habits in a transformational way that fundamentally changed his family life by finding meaning and order in what can feel like the daily chaos of raising children. These same principles of habit are at work in every classical Christian school as we intentionally work to form what our children love with similarly impressive results.
Justin Whitmel Earley is a lawyer, author and speaker from Richmond, VA.
Most of all, he is a husband to Lauren and a father to his four sons – Whit, Asher, Coulter and Shep.
But he also graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English Literature before spending four years in Shanghai, China, teaching and writing. Justin got his law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center and he now runs his own business law practice under the Earley Legal Group. (www.earleylegalgroup.com)
His book, The Common Rule – Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, was published with InterVarsity Press in 2019. He frequently speaks at businesses, churches and conferences on habits, technology and mental health. (www.thecommonrule.org)
His second book, Habits of the Household – Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, addresses spiritual formation in ordinary family habits, and was published with Zondervan in 2021. (www.habitsofthehousehold.com)
You can learn more about Justin at www.justinwhitmelearley.com.