There is nothing new under the sun. That is good news..because the deepest questions of life and faith (who am I, why am I here, where am I going) have been asked throughout history, and in many cases asked better and in more articulate and winsome ways by those who came far before us — those classic thinkers and writers we read and discuss in classical Christian schools. But in our modern, disposable, quick-to-reject-the-past-world, young people, and older as well, often ignore these well-thought-out questions, ultimately to our own demise. It’s hard to get the right answer if you don’t know the questions. No wonder so many people today wander around in various state of despair and uncertainty. Christ answers those critical questions, but do we get the questions right?
Dave Noe is a Classics enthusiast who has a particular love for teaching spoken Latin. He received his PhD in Classics from the University of Iowa in 2003, specializing in Cicero and Stoicism. When he’s not spewing information to his students at Calvin University, Dave can be found (but please don’t try) translating and teaching online in his Cyclopean den of a nuclear-bunker-turned-basement-office.
Noe and Dr. Jeff Winkle host The Ad Navseam podcast, where Classical gourmands can finally get their fill – everything from a lively discussion of Greco-Roman civilization stretching from the Minoans and Mycenaeans, through the Renaissance, right down to the present.
At home with his Homeric wife Tara and their four children, he enjoys reading the Aeneid, playing chess, listening to rock and Haydn, and drinking coffee. If you don’t already have Classics coming out of your ears, check out his website and YouTube Channel where you can indulge in daily Latin lessons for free and find out more on what Dave’s up to.
So how does one one find the balance among the dichotomies? Grow into the study of the classics or Hellenic pessimism? Confuse technology with moral and spiritual advancement? Archimedes as a thought experiment? Modern progress or wisdom of the past?