Alexander the Great considered stories his most prized possession and Jesus deemed stories worthy of the secrets of the Kingdom of God. Storytelling is more than something we do around a campfire… it is what drives how we learn and engage the world. But when the average American spends upwards to 84 hours a week in front of a screen, how can educators and parents combat this? Aaron Ames shares the science behind our two brain hemispheres as well as what you can do as a parent or teacher to capture the imagination…through storytelling.
Aaron Ames currently teaches Rhetoric, Logic, and Literature at Trinity Christian Academy, a classical Christian school located in Lexington, KY. He received a BA in Letters (Great Books Program) from the University of Oklahoma and two MA’s, one in Biblical Studies, and the other in Theology and Philosophy, both from Asbury Theological Seminary. His publications have been featured on The Imaginative Conservative and Circe Institute.