As parents and teachers, we want the next generation to love God and love the good. But for many young people who sit in K-12 classrooms, they wander into the land of the prodigal and question if what they have heard is little more than empty moralisms. But our job is to remain faithful. Are there ways to better guide and mentor the next generation? Today’s guest, Josh Gibbs, is a prodigal and has great wisdom to share from his book, appropriately titled How to Be Unlucky.
Joshua Gibbs is a highly regarded taught classic literature Veritas Classical School in Richmond, a lecturer t teachers on pedagogy and great books, and the author of How To Be Unlucky, Something They Will Not Forget, and the forthcoming Love What Lasts. Gibbs has in Christian schools and earned acclaim for his writing.
Since becoming a teacher, Joshua Gibbs has been a frequent speaker at the Society for Classical Learning annual conference (next week) and the Circe Institute national conference. He is an Alcuin Fellow and a member of the Templeton Honors College advisory board. His column The Cedar Room is read by thousands of people every month. He has been interviewed by the Front Porch Republic and Culture Feed, published on First Things, and is the creator of the popular Teaching the Great Books class on ClassicalU.