The big questions in life – who am I? what am I? why am I here? Every human throughout history has grappled with these questions. Get the answers right and you can live a virtuous, flourishing life. Yet today, too many students, and adults for that matter, are fumbling through life trying to find meaning and purpose. Knowing the right questions is a critical first step to finding lasting and sustaining life answers. Classical Christian schools are uniquely positioned to guide students along an educational journey to answer these life questions. Our guest, Dr. Joshua Farris, has written a compelling new book exploring these essential questions and offering a comprehensive vision of how our beliefs inform our understanding of what it means to be human. He points to several specific techniques used in upper school classical Christian classrooms that equip students to answer these questions confidently, helping us all form a comprehensive vision of the human person as an embodied soul.

Joshua R. Farris, Rev. Dcn. Ph.D
Prior to being named Executive Director of Alpine Christian School in Alpine, TX, Dr. Farris was the Chester and Margaret Paluch Professor at Mundelein Seminary, University of Saint Mary of the Lake; a part-time Lecturer at Auburn University Montgomery; and an Assistant Professor of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. He was at Houston Baptist University from 2014-2019. There, he served in the Theology department, Great Texts department, the Honors College, the Philosophy department, and the Academy, where he developed over 14 courses as part of the Great Texts program. A prolific writer, Dr. Farris’ most recent work is An Introduction to Theological Anthropology. He is also the author of The Soul of Theological Anthropology and the coeditor of several volumes, including Being Saved: Explorations in Human Salvation, New England Dogmatics: A Systematic Collection of Questions and Answers in Divinity by Maltby Gelston (1766-1865), Christian Physicalism?, and The Routledge Companion to Theological Anthropology.
Buy An Introduction to Theological Anthropology, here.