In this episode, Davies Owens interviews Dr. Bill Miller about the significance of senior trips for classical Christian students, focusing on the value of bringing learning to life and experiencing different cultures. Dr. Miller emphasizes character and virtue development through the challenges faced during these trips, preparing students for the post-Christian world they are about to enter.
Biography: Bill Miller
Raised in central Arizona, I received an engineering degree from Brown University. I served as a campus minister with CRU for seven years at the University of Arizona, Stanford University, and Osh State (Kyrgyzstan). I completed a M.A. in Politics and Ph.D. at the University of Dallas’ great books program. After grad school, our family lived in the Czech Republic for 8 years where I was a lecturer at two different universities. Returning to the US, I taught at a Christian great books program in Minneapolis. Then, I worked with several start-up companies managing educational content development projects, until joining Ambrose in 2019.
In graduate school I experienced meaningful conversations with the great thinkers of Western civilization, fellow students, professors and the Truth of the Scriptures. My view of reality expanded; I was humbled and challenged to communicate with clarity, kindness and grace; and I received wisdom. The skills, knowledge and wisdom came with responsibility and implications for every area of my life—from how I parent to how I manage work projects to how I serve in the church. I long to see God impart that kind of education to other young men and women. I pray He’ll use me as a vessel to that end.
Lisa and I have been married 25 years and have two sons: Caleb (22) and Joshua (19). I enjoy watching and discussing movies, traveling, hiking, working out, and watching football (NFL and EPL). My lesser loves include cooking and sharing good food and drink with others, including coffee and ice cream.