Calculus, computer programming, robotics, STEM classes are all assumed to be the “right choice” for being ready for the jobs of tomorrow. But Latin? That isn’t even a science! And wouldn’t Spanish or Mandarin Chinese be better for a language? Tim Griffith will surprise you with some of the reasons why Latin is essential for any student or adult today to be real world ready.
Tim Griffith is the Fellow of Classical Languages at New Saint Andrews College. He oversees the College’s Latin program, directs the national Phaedrus Latin Composition Contest, translates 16th-century Latin theological texts for Wenden House, and is the creator of Picta Dicta online Latin vocabulary courses. He has dedicated the last 15 years to learning how to teach Latin better, drawing heavily on the work of the great Latin educators of history such as Erasmus, Commenius, and W.H.D. Rouse.