For 100 days in 1994 more than one million Rwandans were killed in a genocide by their own neighbors. How could such a horrific killing come about?
Patrick Twagirayesu survived in a refugee camp and returned to bury the dead in his home country as he preached the gospel. Patrick knew that it was the government schools that had played a key role in shaping the attitudes of children to despise their fellow neighbors who were of a different tribe. Fast forward to 2017 where Patrick has planted more than 25 churches and is considered one of the most influential individuals in the country by government and church leadership alike. At the core of his work is enabling the next generation in Rwanda to attend a classical Christian school. He is fond of saying, “education without virtue is dangerous.”
Education is not value neutral. It can influence a generation to kill or to be instruments of grace and hope. Pastor Patrick’s story will remind you that these same forces are at work in the cities and towns of our country and anywhere children are educated.
Pastor Patrick Joshua Twagirayesu is the founder and President of Africa Harvest Mission (AHM), an evangelistic organization. He is Senior Pastor of Calvary Temple Church in Kigali – Rwanda, Africa. Pastor Patrick is an apostolic leader, visionary, church planter and overseer of the 25 Calvary Temple churches across Rwanda. Pastor Patrick is also the founder and President of Africa Bright Future Ministries based in Boise USA. He is a conference speaker who has spoken in various conferences around the world. He lives in Kigali, Rwanda, with his wife, Gertrude Twagirayesu, and their five children.
Pastor Patrick is also a founding member and board member of the Forum of Born Again Churches and Christian Organizations in Rwanda (FOBACOR), an umbrella of independent evangelical and pentecostal churches whose membership is about 100 churches and Christian organizations. He is the head of the department of Christian Leadership Ethics and conflict management.
Calvary Temple church is a steadily growing church in the heart of Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. Since Africa Harvest Missions establishment in 1994 after the genocide, it has been a blessing to the entire body of Christ and His country in various aspects.
His integrity and deep insight into the word of God has helped transform many lives both in Rwanda and beyond. AHM is non-denominational, evangelical and social in nature and intentionality. It was founded after the genocide of 1994 to give hope to Rwandan people through the word of God and acts of mercy.
Patrick saw people suffering in 1994 right after the Tutsi genocide that claimed over a million lives, leaving many widows, orphaned children and homeless people. He understood that God had called him to do something to get his countrymen out of misery.