Haphazard or Intentional – Raising the Next Generation with Purpose
Luke Davis up and moved from sunny Florida to the center of the city in Seattle, Washington, with his wife and four young children, with the specific purpose of...
Anxiety Free Learning and Living
Modern education is an education in anxiety. Teaching has largely become a technical trade designed to instill efficiently in students a volume of information so that students will prove...
What is on my kid’s phone?
Today younger and younger aged children carry with them a one-eyed Cyclops screen monster, called a “smart phone” that can immediately connect a young person not only to their...
What You Need to Know About School Accreditation and Certification
In this episode we look at how you can be sure that the school your child is attending is accredited and up to standards. And what about teachers –...
Four years that stick with you for life
What questions should you be considering when evaluating colleges today? What are some of the myths and realities surrounding degrees and careers and where those lead? What kinds of...
K-12 and then to college. Who made this up? Does it even make sense?
John Mark Reynolds is a self professed rule breaker. From his West Virginia upbringings and hard work ethic, he isn’t afraid to innovate and press assumed boundaries. He insists we shouldn’t...
“I was robbed.”
George Grant was successful by all academic accounts and had become a speech writer for well known politicians. But what he realized while working on a masters in political...
My Ugly Is Your Pretty – Beauty Matters
The word “beauty” has gotten a bad rap these days. Modern folks generally toss it aside as an irrelevant and impractical thing, relegated to something soft and impractical, best...
Living and Learning in the Belly of the Beast
Young children should be protected by parents and caregivers, but at some point baby bird has to leave the nest and learn to fly in the “real world.” When to...
Why I Chose a Classical Christian School After 15 Years Working in Public and Charter Schools
Alex Macdonald began his journey into education teaching in a grammar school in New York. He spent years working with charter schools, pioneering efforts with technology and education, and...