
5 Graduates, 5 Colleges, 1 Year Later – Thoughts on K-12

Students from MIT, two Classical Christian colleges, one “Christian” college and one state school discuss their experience their first year after graduating. They answer questions like: Did you feel prepared from your K-12 classical Christian School? Knowing what you know now, what questions should one ask when evaluating a college to attend?  What has been…

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Raising Kids Who Love Christ – Making the worlds of Home, Church and School Connect

Raising the next generation is a team effort. Yes, school and yes, church, but what can we do at home to create an environment that helps develop a bold and confident faith in Christ?  Parents choose their church, and classical Christian schools work “in loco parentis” or under the authority of the parent. So how…

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Education is 99% Habits and 1% Knowledge

Classical Christian parents and educators are fond of saying “education is more than information – it is formation”… but what does formation really look like in a practical way? 100 years ago British educator Charlotte Mason wrote on how affections and habits are formed, noting what neuroscientists are now claiming as a new discovery! Our…

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When Grades Rule Your Life

The pursuit of grades is the all consuming end game for many students and parents today. Grades are the currency that our culture trades in and ultimately determine when a good education has been achieved. And in our culture, everyone deserves an “A”, or so we are encouraged to believe. Self esteem and personal values…

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Prom vs. Protocol – Afraid of Putting on Dancing Shoes? Prom A Better Way

It’s called the night that you will remember for the rest of your life… high school prom… yet for most of us, prom and other junior high and high school dances were anything but positive experiences. It doesn’t have to be this way! Join us for this episode of BaseCamp LIVE as we talk with…

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What do parents of engaged Christian teens do differently?

Barna’s VP of Research, Brooke Hempell, reveals the latest research on Gen Z’ers that shows a specific habit and rhythm among parents of engaged Christian teens that will encourage you to do the same. Generation Z (the oldest are beginning college) is the first generation to grow up completely immersed in the iphone world which…

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Our world is more WONDER-filled than you realize!

A riotous nature documentary reveals stunning secrets that will inspire, delight and transform! Did you know there are 1,068 different kinds of water bugs? All with unique created traits. The natural world cries out displaying the handiwork of the Creator – a fact which is often lost on a digital generation who are not outdoors…

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A view from Canada…Progressive Education and what’s coming next for America

If you could peer into the future of America’s culture you will likely see Canada today. Canada has moved aggressively and quickly away from its early Christian foundations, which were arguably more substantial than in the USA. Today the politically charged culture has exerted enormous influence on public education, and put tremendous pressure on students to conform to the new moral…

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How do we form a human soul? What Charlotte Mason knew about the art of education.

How do we make education a joyful discovery? Is it knowledge alone or do relationships have something to do with it? What kind of relationship does your child have with history, with their siblings, with math, with their teacher? If relationships are important, how do we shape the affections of what our children love? Perhaps…

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Finding Time in a World on the Run

50 years ago, God led Edith and Francis Schaeffer to Switzerland where they opened their home to people searching for the meaning in life. Today, L’Abri Fellowship continues to serve as a place for busy folks to retreat and reflect. Dick Keyes has been leading the branch outside of Boston for 30 years and has…

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