Each year thousands of students graduate from classical Christian schools and head off into college and the work world. How well do they do academically, socially, and spiritually? What cultural challenges are facing them that are new and different? Hearing their perspectives and experiences as they take their K-12 education through the challenges of higher education and careers, family and life is inspiring and invaluable. In this episode, our panel of alumni offer wisdom and advice to students, especially those who are entering the middle school years, wanting to understand more about classical Christian education. Our panel then shares a word of encouragement and recommendations to parents as well as to school heads and administrators.
Bryce McDonald was a thirteen-year student at Covenant Classical School in Fort Worth, TX. He spent several years in Boston, where he studied Philosophy and Classics at Harvard University. He now lives in Dallas, TX.
Nate Fredricks is a graduate of Covenant Classical School in Fort Worth, Texas (Class of ’18). After his 13 years at Covenant, he went to the University of Texas (Class of ’22) and graduated with both a Bachelor of Science and Arts (BSA) in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Plan II Honors. He now teaches science and math at Waterloo High School in Austin, Texas and will be entering medical school next year with hopes of becoming a pediatric surgeon.
Hannah Brusven is Davies’ daughter and has been classically educated pre-K through college. Hannah is a graduate of The Ambrose School in Boise Idaho and has received a degree in Liberal Arts and Culture from New Saint Andrew’s College and a Bachelors of Science in Applied Marketing and Advertising from Grand Canyon University. She works as the Operations Director for an International Conservative media publishing company and lives in Eagle, Idaho with her husband, Cole.