Episodes: List

Browse Through Our Episodes

Rediscovering the Joys of Reading, with Cherie Harder

Imagine it’s 1927, and you’re flipping through a National Geographic magazine. On the back cover, a full-page ad invites...

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Remembering History for Future Generations with Sam Cox

Many of us remember history as a school subject filled with long lists of dates and random facts to...

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Motivating Youth in a Lazy & Distracted World with Craig Hefner

Have you ever seen a young person struggling to get motivated, complaining about boredom, or seeming a bit lazy...

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Creating an Enriching Summer Break with Keith McCurdy

It is officially summer break! Instead of sitting in front of screens or combatting boredom, guest Keith McCurdy brings...

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Making the “True, Good, & Beautiful” Matter, with Junius Johnson

If you spend time in classical Christian schools you’ll probably hear the phrase “the true, the good, and the...

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Davies Behind the Mic: His Story, Perspectives, & Big News!

In this historical episode of BaseCamp Live, Host Davies Owens is behind the mic for a candid discussion with...

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Laughing at the Right Things, With Comedian Sean Hancock

Proverbs tells us that joy and laughter are good medicine for the soul, but the Bible also cautions us...

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Exploring the Terms: Classical, Liberal Arts, Humanities… With Dr. Chris Schlect

In recent decades, classical education has experienced significant growth both in the U.S. and globally. This educational approach takes...

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