There’s an Educational Awakening Going On – Gordon Pennington
There’s an educational awakening going on. It’s not a new movement but it’s gaining momentum. It’s creating a national...
Bored with Everything? Awaken the Fire of Curiosity – Grant Horner
When you taste well prepared sushi, a McDonalds fish filet just isn’t so great. That’s what our guest today...
An Unexpected Journey into Classical Christian Education – Keith Nix
Ever feel like you walked in late to the movie when it comes to understanding this CCE thing? Does...
The Latest From Barna That Impacts Your Family – Brooke Hempell
The world is changing, spinning… what are the cultural forces at work and the trends that are impacting your...
Image Bearers: Becoming who you were made to be – Peter Baur
There seems to be an epidemic today of young people who don’t know who they are. They grasp for...
Is Old ‘Bad’ and New ‘Good’ or the Other Way Around? – Chris Perrin
Oh ye classical people, why do you cling to your old ways? With your ancient books and Latin drills… What’s...
Worldview isn’t Enough – Peter Vande Brake
It has been said that, “the purpose of education is not thinking; it is acting. It is not just...
Wimpy or Worn Out? Finding the balance between indulging or burning out our children – Keith McCurdy
Classical Christian kids are asked to give a lot of their time and mental energy to school and life...