Episodes: List

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Are Classical Schools Too Difficult?

Episode Summary: In this episode of BaseCamp Live, we tackle the question: Are Classical Christian schools too challenging? Join...

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Nurturing Spiritual Formation in Today’s Youth

BaseCamp Live Podcast Episode #274: Nurturing Spiritual Formation in Today’s Youth Episode Summary: Join us for an enlightening conversation...

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Are Classical Schools Elitist?

BaseCamp Live Episode #273: Are Classical Schools Elitist? Episode Summary: In a world where the idea of excellence can...

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10 Predictors of Success at School with Mandi Moore

What are the predictors of success in raising up the next generation?  Classical Christian education is an “all hands...

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A Conversation with my Daughter

Navigating the twists and turns of parenting and education can be daunting, but imagine the beauty of seeing those...

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Helping Students Know Who They Are with Tami Peterson

Have you ever pondered the monumental impact that educators and parents have in shaping a student’s journey toward self-discovery...

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Controlling Chaos in the Home (Live Sturdy #3)

Ever feel like you’re juggling too many balls, only to realize they’re actually flaming torches? You’re not alone; we...

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Classical Science as an Alternative to STEM with Jim Dolas

Unlock the secret strengths of a classical Christian education as it intersects with STEM, a narrative brought to life...

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