What does it mean to be human, to be civil, to have a confident purpose in life? Raising up a generation that will genuinely truly is the goal of any loving parent and teacher. How do we do it? Our guest today has written a new book that illuminates the power of a liberal arts education, which for centuries has formed Christ-followers who have gone into the broken world and made significant positive cultural changes. People who know who they are and whose they are, ready to endure whatever challenges unfold before them. Isn’t that what the world needs right now? Listen in…
R. Keith Loftin is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, as well as the Associate Dean at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Scarborough College in Fort Worth, TX. In addition to the PhD, he holds an M.A. in Philosophy and an M.A. in Humanities. He is the editor of God & Morality: Four Views, co-author of Stand Firm: Defending the Beauty and Brilliance of the Gospel, and the author of numerous articles and reviews addressing topics both philosophical and theological.
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