Who doesn’t like a good success story? Classical Christian Education is on the rise and the impact is far reaching across the USA and around the world. The growth of start-up schools, 5 day a week brick and mortar schools, hybrid/collaborative and homeschools, not to mention schools in almost every setting from rural countryside to inner city. My guest today is part of a team serving under-resourced youth in our nation’s cities. The Spreading Hope Network has been an inspiring force in helping to launch numerous urban schools. In this episode of BCL, you will be inspired by their vision and accomplishments in reaching the next generation no matter where you live.
Dan Olson serves as executive director of Spreading Hope Network, where he oversees strategic vision, networking urban Christian educators, and serving aspiring school planting groups in discerning the call to start and lead new schools in their communities. He also serves as managing director of Anselm House, a center for Christian studies at the University of Minnesota.
He holds an M.A. in Christian studies from Regent College (Canada) and studied English literature and communications (B.A) at Wheaton College (IL). His interests include literature, history, moral formation, and advancing kingdom generosity.
Raised in Minnesota, he previously served in advancement leadership with The Gospel Coalition and Hope Academy. He is also the author of Oh, the Treasures You’ll Know (10ofthose). He began his career in Christian education as a high school teacher at Minnehaha Academy (Minneapolis), where he taught literature, speech and debate. He and his wife Lucy and their four kids live in Minneapolis, where they attend Hope Community Church.