classical christian education

Why Classical Education May Not Be For You

There are a lot of reasons to love classical Christian education, but is it really best for every family and child? Are there some folks who would actually do better with something else?  Monica Whatley, author of Shaping Hearts and Minds, shares nine reasons why it is NOT for everyone. THE BACK SIDE: Want to…

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I’ve Got 50 Bible Versions on My Phone — Why Memorize It?

Knowing and loving the Bible is something Christian parents know is critical for the spiritual well-being of their children. Yet in a “sound bite” culture, why do we need to “hide God’s word in our heart” if we can hide it on our device? Why memorize Scripture? Cognitive development — sure, but it really is…

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How Would You Try to Change the Culture of an Entire Country?

Greg Wilson and Lisa Irving joined Bruce Flanagan in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to help him do just that. Bruce spent 26 years in various capacities — businessman, missionary, church planter — in Vietnam because of his love for the Vietnamese people and desire to share the gospel there.   After many years…

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Do Classical Christian Schools Create Perfectionist Parents and Students?

We live in a world that celebrates mediocrity and egalitarianism, where no one can judge anyone, and anyone’s truth is as good as anyone else’s. A classical Christian school that proclaims Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, and expects excellence in all aspects of life, is at risk of attracting parents and students who fall prey to…

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Why I Chose a Classical Christian School After 15 Years Working in Public and Charter Schools

Alex Macdonald began his journey into education teaching in a grammar school in New York. He spent years working with charter schools, pioneering efforts with technology and education, and also worked with an educational service provider, assisting charter schools around the nation. He worked for a season at the Department of Education overseeing various reform…

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Anxiety Free Learning and Living

Modern education is an education in anxiety. Teaching has largely become a technical trade designed to instill efficiently in students a volume of information so that students will prove their knowledge using quantifiable testing data. And most school days are made up of rapid fire classes of often disconnected subjects. Most students today end up…

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What You Need to Know About School Accreditation and Certification

In this episode we look at how you can be sure that the school your child is attending is accredited and up to standards. And what about teachers – are they qualified and certified by some external agency to ensure a consistent excellent teaching environment for your child? But who sets the standards? Being “state…

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Four years that stick with you for life

What questions should you be considering when evaluating colleges today? What are some of the myths and realities surrounding degrees and careers and where those lead? What kinds of skills should your child learn in four years that will really stick with them and push them toward leadership positions? College president Ben Merkle helps answer…

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K-12 and then to college. Who made this up? Does it even make sense?

John Mark Reynolds is a self professed rule breaker. From his West Virginia upbringings and hard work ethic, he isn’t afraid to innovate and press assumed boundaries.  He insists we shouldn’t do weird experiments on our kids by just dropping them into a prescribed K-12 and college education formula without understanding its history and if it is right…

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“I was robbed.”

George Grant was successful by all academic accounts and had become a speech writer for well known politicians. But what he realized while working on a masters in political science was that so much of what he was taught was not complete, and even worse, factually wrong. Many aspects of the history of our nation…

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