classical education

Can Education Save Civilization? with Dr. Louis Markos

What’s the real purpose of education? Is it just about passing tests—or passing the torch of civilization itself? In this episode, Dr. Louis Markos, professor, prolific author, and champion of classical Christian education, returns to share insights from his new book, Passing the Torch: An Apology for Classical Christian Education. Drawing from Plato to C.S….

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Classical Essentials: Classical? Liberal Arts? Humanities? Here’s What You NEED to Know! with Dr. Chris Schlect

Welcome to Classical Essentials, a special Best of BaseCamp Live series! Over the years, we’ve had incredible conversations unpacking the foundational ideas of classical Christian education. In this series, we’re bringing back some of the most popular and essential episodes to help parents, educators, and school leaders better understand the core principles that make this…

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Classical Essentials: Why Your Christian Kids Should Read the Pagan Classics with Dr. Louis Markos

Welcome to another Classical Essentials, a special Best of Basecamp Live series! Over the years, we’ve had incredible conversations unpacking the foundational ideas of classical Christian education. In this series, we’re bringing back some of the most popular and essential episodes to help parents, educators, and school leaders better understand the core principles that make…

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Raising Sturdy Kids: The Overview with Keith McCurdy

Are we raising resilient, capable kids—or fragile, anxious ones? In this eye-opening episode, Keith McCurdy joins BaseCamp Live to expose the cultural shifts that have led to skyrocketing anxiety and emotional fragility in children. He explains why modern parenting has drifted from raising kids of character to chasing happiness and success, and how this shift…

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Are You Sabotaging Your Parenting? Embracing the Unexpected with Scott Barron

Parenting and educating in a constantly changing world can feel overwhelming. In this insightful episode, Scott Barron, founder of School Growth and Educators Fellowship, shares his wisdom on navigating the challenges of raising and teaching children in what he calls an “uber-dynamic transient state.” Scott unpacks how to embrace change with humility, build trust within…

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Helping Students Know Who They Are with Tami Peterson

Have you ever pondered the monumental impact that educators and parents have in shaping a student’s journey toward self-discovery and adulthood? With Tami Peterson’s return to our dialogue, we immerse ourselves in the profound exploration of this transformative phase. Our conversation delves into the essence of education, far surpassing the simple accumulation of knowledge, to…

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Slow School in a Fast World with Eliot Grasso

Unlock the secrets of classical Christian education with our enlightening conversation with Eliot Grasso, accomplished Irish musician and vice president and tutor at Gutenberg College. Prepare to challenge your notions about the efficiency of education as we trail-blaze beyond the modern world’s relentless pursuit of immediate results. Grasp the profound benefits of an inefficient education…

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Learning to Value Process w/ Kelly Kapic

In this episode, Kapic explores the theology behind seeing our human limitations as a gift rather than a deficiency. He lays out a path to holistic living with healthy self-understanding, life-giving relationships, and meaningful contributions to the world. He frees us from confusing our limitations with sin and instead invites us to rest in the…

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How A School Works w/ David Seibel

In this podcast, David Seibel, head of Coram Deo Academy, addresses the challenges faced by classical Christian schools and highlights the crucial role of collaborative leadership. Seibel asserts that these schools require a cohesive vision and a division of labor, involving parents, volunteers, administrators, board members, and business leaders in order to prevent mission drift….

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