How Would You Try to Change the Culture of an Entire Country?

Greg Wilson and Lisa Irving joined Bruce Flanagan in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to help him do just that. Bruce spent 26 years in various capacities — businessman, missionary, church planter — in Vietnam because of his love for the Vietnamese people and desire to share the gospel there.


After many years working to change the culture for Christ, his final gift to them is to start a classical Christian school — the very first one in the country — because he knows that he must reach their hearts and minds at an early age.


Greg and Lisa talk about their time there this past summer teaching and training in a culture where education is viewed as a practicality and nothing more. How do you reach into their hearts? Hear how the unlikely choice of Pilgrim’s Progress captivated the children there and lead to many wonderful conversations.


Be sure to listen to our first interview with Bruce Flanagan: What I Learned in a Vietnam Prison About Raising the Next Generation