Today younger and younger aged children carry with them a one-eyed Cyclops screen monster, called a “smart phone” that can immediately connect a young person not only to their parents and positive resources, but in the swipe of a finger to some of the darkest and most addicting dangers ever presented in the history of the world to young people. There is good news, and some simple steps, you can take to help you and your child navigate the smart phone world. Our guest today is Chris McKenna….

After a 12-year career in business advising with Ernst & Young, and six years in full-time middle school ministry,
Chris McKenna is now the Educational Resource Manager for
Covenant Eyes, an Internet Safety and Accountability Company. In 2015 he created as a way to equip and encourage parents and students towards responsible use of technology. He has a compelling story explaining why he so strongly desires to protect kids and teens from internet dangers. In a world where technology is native to our kids, Chris has done hundreds of hours of research in order to level the playing field for parents and to inform teens of the risks of using the internet recklessly. Chris presents to teens and parents across the USA and is regularly featured on news, radio, and podcasts for his research.