Knowing and loving the Bible is something Christian parents know is critical for the spiritual well-being of their children. Yet in a “sound bite” culture, why do we need to “hide God’s word in our heart” if we can hide it on our device?
Why memorize Scripture? Cognitive development — sure, but it really is essential to forming faith and character that will lead to a lifetime of wisdom. Karen offers practical tips and success stories for winsomely engaging learning the Bible in the lives of busy children and parents.
Mrs. Karen Moore of Grace Academy holds a Bachelor’s degree in Classics from the University of Texas at Austin and has a Texas Teacher Certification for Latin, History, and History Secondary Education. She has over 15 years of experience teaching Latin and has published multiple Latin textbooks including Libellus de Historia (History Readers A-C), Latin for Teachers, Latin Alive! (Books 1-3), and Latin Alive Reader: Latin Literature from Cicero to Newton. She also has served numerous other schools through her consulting and teacher training seminars. Mrs. Moore has been at Grace since 2002 and has served as both a teacher and administrator. As a teacher she has a unique ability to instill an enthusiasm for classical literature and languages in students of all ages and skill levels. She also provides leadership to our campus through her role as an Upper School lead teacher.