Month: September 2017

How Would You Try to Change the Culture of an Entire Country?

Greg Wilson and Lisa Irving joined Bruce Flanagan in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to help him do just that. Bruce spent 26 years in various capacities — businessman, missionary, church planter — in Vietnam because of his love for the Vietnamese people and desire to share the gospel there.   After many years…

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Do Classical Christian Schools Create Perfectionist Parents and Students?

We live in a world that celebrates mediocrity and egalitarianism, where no one can judge anyone, and anyone’s truth is as good as anyone else’s. A classical Christian school that proclaims Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, and expects excellence in all aspects of life, is at risk of attracting parents and students who fall prey to…

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Why I Chose a Classical Christian School After 15 Years Working in Public and Charter Schools

Alex Macdonald began his journey into education teaching in a grammar school in New York. He spent years working with charter schools, pioneering efforts with technology and education, and also worked with an educational service provider, assisting charter schools around the nation. He worked for a season at the Department of Education overseeing various reform…

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Haphazard or Intentional – Raising the Next Generation with Purpose

Luke Davis up and moved from sunny Florida to the center of the city in Seattle, Washington, with his wife and four young children, with the specific purpose of running a classical Christian school and raising his kids.  Luke knew that people, throughout the world, are leaving suburban areas and heading back into the cities. This makes…

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