
Dominion over Technology

In the world of classical Chrisitian education, if there is one enemy that has the ability to undermine our work in shaping habits and affections, it is the one-eyed cyclop – the digital screen. We live in a tech world and are blessed in many ways because of it, but the all-pervasive screen voices flood into the eyes and minds of so many of our students, and us, for hours a day. Short of all heading off to Amish country, what can we do to be in the digital world, but not of it? My guest today begins with a thoughtful exploration of God’s command for us as humans to have dominion over the earth, which includes technology. How do we make informed choices based on our faith and theology in a way that practically impacts our lives as adults and for the sake of our children?

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7 Elements of a Healthy School

What is a healthy school? There are many ways to answer this question because schools are complex organizations. Healthy schools have the right curriculum and well-trained teachers but also have to be guided by capable leaders and boards. If you were to have in front of you, a dashboard monitoring all the key indicators of a healthy school and what should be attended to, what gauges would you want to have? We will talk about these key indicators in this conversation with Walter Kearns who helps schools answer these important questions of what it means to be healthy. Whether you are a parent wanting to know the right questions to ask when choosing a school or a school leader wanting to be sure you have all your bases covered, this episode is for you.

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Seven Elements of a Healthy School w/ Walter Kearns

What is a healthy school? There are many ways to answer this question because schools are complex organizations. Healthy schools have the right curriculum and well-trained teachers but also have to be guided by capable leaders and boards. If you were to have in front of you, a dashboard monitoring all the key indicators of…

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Desperate for Depth in an Age of the Superficial

Classical Christian educators aren’t just interested in the old stuff for nostalgia sake or to hide from the crazy modern world (although it may be tempting at times), we hold on the great writers and thinkers going all the way back to the greeks and romans because generations because they have stood the test of time as they point to what is true, lasting, permanent. Not to mention great thinkers like Plutarch back in the first century wrote biographies retelling the great stories of Roman and Greece that became deeply embedded in the minds of so many great leaders from Beethoven to Harry Truman. We live in a world of the temporary, the disposable and the flippant and so many are desperate for depth. Join us for this episode where we are reminded again of why we believe the ancients have so much to offer to us frazzled moderns.

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Desperate for Depth in an Age of the Superficial w/ Alex Petkas

Classical Christian educators aren’t just interested in the old stuff for nostalgia sake or to hide from the crazy modern world (although it may be tempting at times), we hold on the great writers and thinkers going all the way back to the greeks and romans because generations because they have stood the test of…

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Persuasive Technology & Cigarettes

I have in a computer file a recording of a television advertisement from the 1940s eagerly pitching Lucky Strike cigarettes. The most curious part is that the promotion is being made by a doctor in a white coat actively smoking while touting the benefits of smoking! Seems laughable, if not totally outrageous, by today’s standards. On this episode, I interview recent high school graduate Mary Blake Fletcher who winsomely argues that today’s eager embrace of screen-based technology is just as addictive and risk-filled as cigarettes, yet seemingly endorsed without hesitation by the culture’s best and brightest. Her senior thesis was so well written and presented that she received a standing ovation in a ballroom filled with more than 1400 people. You don’t want to miss my interview with her and this profound perspective from one of our own students!

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Persuasive Technology and Cigarettes w/ Mary Blake Fletcher

I have in a computer file a recording of a television advertisement from the 1940s eagerly pitching Lucky Strike cigarettes. The most curious part is that the promotion is being made by a doctor in a white coat actively smoking while touting the benefits of smoking! Seems laughable, if not totally outrageous, by today’s standards….

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The State of Culture and Education

For the past 40+ years the Barna Group has been leading the way in researching the latest trends impacting our churches, schools, and homes. In this unique episode, you’ll get to hear from David Kinnaman, CEO of the Barna group, directly. During the short interview, we cover topics ranging from the latest research on Gen Z (essentially, our K-12 aged students) to the state of the church today and ways our schools can better partner with them, to wisdom he shares for parents raising children in our ever-swirling and changing world.

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The State of Culture and Education w/ David Kinnaman

For the past 40+ years the Barna Group has been leading the way in researching the latest trends impacting our churches, schools, and homes. In this unique episode, you’ll get to hear from David Kinnaman, CEO of the Barna group, directly. During the short interview, we cover topics ranging from the latest research on Gen…

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Our Cultural Moment and the CCE Antidote w/ Gordon Pennington

Our schools obviously exist in the midst of the surrounding culture. The daily bombardment of media techno intrusion can ravage the affections and loves of our students. So it is imperative as parents and educators that we wisely understand the context in which we run our schools and families. The good news is that at the same time and in the same moment, we have at our disposal, one of the most significant antidotes to the lure of the culture, a way to form our students through classical Christian education under God’s sustaining presence.

My good friend, Gordon Pennington, joins us again. He is one of the best cultural translators out there with a fascinating background as head of marketing for Tommy Hilfiger and other major brands, and knows well the power of the media to shape and persuade. He gets the fragmented world in which we live, and he sees the significant opportunity before us as parents and educators to raise up the next generation to stand strong and serve well.

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