The Ripple Effect: Hope Spreads When You Plant Classical Christian Schools in the Inner City – Russ Gregg
What does a Classical Christian School have to do with loving your neighbor as yourself? Head of School, Russ Gregg, shares how starting Hope Academy in his inner city...
Step Boldly into Your Child’s Emotional World – Keith McCurdy
Emotions are the leading indicator of how young people see themselves today. But when parents and educators dismiss emotions altogether as unreliable and even dangerous, fireworks can ignite. Should...
Away with Widgets! How Classical Christian Schools Shape Persons, not Placeholders – Dr. Roy Atwood
The classical model served civilization for almost 1,000 years and produced extraordinary minds and developments in our history globally. Today, pragmatism and the desire to prepare students for jobs...
Evidence That Classical Christian Schools Excel at Spiritual Formation – Dr. Tim Dernlan
Are all Christian schools created equal when it comes to the spiritual formation of kids? Our guest, Dr. Tim Dernlan, researched this important question and gathered the hard data...
Why Rewards Are Not Such A CrackerJack Idea for Students – Chris Stevens
Did the founding fathers have prize boxes? Probably not, and neither should our students. Our guest, Headmaster Chris Stevens, tells us why extrinsic reward systems are a form of...
How to Relate to Young People In a “Feel Good” Age – Sean McDowell
The book Evidence That Demands A Verdict celebrates 45 years since it was first published! That means it is older than most parents of current classical Christian students! But...
Have your cake and eat it too! You don’t have to choose between Christian and college prep – Christy Vaughan
Can we have our cake and eat it too? Parents often worry that a Christian school may produce students who are strong spiritually but not academically. They sometimes feel...
It’s Not Too Late for us Old Folks! – David Moore
What if you could go back and get the education your children are having now? It’s not too late! There’s still time for you and me to grow and...
Those Funny Words We Use…What Do We Mean By “Classical?” – Ty Fischer
What in the world does “classical” even mean? Most people today imagine something out of date, old and not relevant for the modern world. Head of School Ty Fischer...
A College President’s Perspective: Successful Young People Share These Qualities with 550 World Leaders – Michael Lindsay
What can 550 elite world leaders teach us about raising the next generation? Michael Lindsay distills lessons he learned in his 10-year one-of-a-kind study and 2014 best seller, The...