Vocational Discipleship w/ Tami Peterson
There is no doubt classical Christian students are “real world ready” – academically and generally prepared to make wise decisions in a wobbly world. But even the best educated...
Online CCE Success Story w/ Nancy & Bob Donaldson
Imagine classical Christian classrooms with students who are engaged in a deep and lively discussion with fellow students who are located all over the world? Imagine being a small...
Growing Fast: The International Expansion of CCE Schools w/ Denise Strickland
Those of us in the good old USA know CCE schools are on the rise, but the amazing story of what God is doing around the world is equally...
Lessons from a Teenage C.S. Lewis w/ Hal Poe
When we think of the influential Oxford professor, CS Lewis, writer of such classical literature as the Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity, we think of the mature and...
Boys to Men in CCE w/ Keith McCurdy
CCE schools are the best educational environment for raising boys to men. It isn’t uncommon to hear a parent, maybe even an educator, assert that classical Christian education, while...
College & Beyond w/ Bryce McDonald, Nate Fredricks, and Hannah Brusven
Each year thousands of students graduate from classical Christian schools and head off into college and the work world. How well do they do academically, socially, and spiritually? What...
Rediscovering Science with Tim Ainstine
We hear the word “science” a lot these days. We are told to “trust the science,” as the modern world increasingly elevates science to an almost religious status. Yet...
Making Home and School Work in Harmony
There are a number of key ingredients that make classical Christian education work, most importantly, the role parents play in their child’s education during the hours at home. One...
Changing Landscapes in Christian Higher Education w/ Matthew Smith
K-12 education isn’t the end of most students’ educational journey. College, or 13th grade as I like to call, it looms in the distance. Most of our CCE graduates...
Fundraising as a Win for Everyone w/ Brad Layland
Our schools exist to raise up the next generation to love the true, the good, and the beautiful and to form hearts and minds and shape affections. Parents contribute...