
Boys to Men in CCE w/ Keith McCurdy

CCE schools are the best educational environment for raising boys to men. It isn’t uncommon to hear a parent, maybe even an educator, assert that classical Christian education, while ideal for those grammar school days, is not really cut out for boys in seemingly sedate classrooms. Keith McCurdy is back to help us understand the…

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College & Beyond w/ Bryce McDonald, Nate Fredricks, and Hannah Brusven

Each year thousands of students graduate from classical Christian schools and head off into college and the work world. How well do they do academically, socially, and spiritually?  What cultural challenges are facing them that are new and different?  Hearing their perspectives and experiences as they take their K-12 education through the challenges of higher…

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Rediscovering Science with Tim Ainstine

We hear the word “science” a lot these days. We are told to “trust the science,” as the modern world increasingly elevates science to an almost religious status. Yet for so many students, science class is anything but fascinating, often reduced to the base level of memorized periodic tables and static experiments. Classical Christian schools…

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Making Home and School Work in Harmony

There are a number of key ingredients that make classical Christian education work, most importantly, the role parents play in their child’s education during the hours at home. One of the growing forms of classical Christian schools is the hybrid or collaborative schools model, a form of schooling that instructs children at school a few…

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Changing Landscapes in Christian Higher Education w/ Matthew Smith

K-12 education isn’t the end of most students’ educational journey. College, or 13th grade as I like to call, it looms in the distance. Most of our CCE graduates head off to a wide range of college experiences from distinctly classical Christian colleges to state run universities and everything in between. My guest today looked…

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Spreading Hope and Urban CCE Schools w/ Dan Olson

Who doesn’t like a good success story? Classical Christian Education is on the rise and the impact is far reaching across the USA and around the world. The growth of start-up schools, 5 day a week brick and mortar schools, hybrid/collaborative and homeschools, not to mention schools in almost every setting from rural countryside to…

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Meeting Student Learning Challenges w/ Leslie Collins

Classical Christian education is growing around the world and the influx of new students comes with a range of distinct learning styles and even learning abilities.  Dyslexia, it turns out, impacts more than 20% of students and more than 30 million adults. Yet this different way of processing words and sounds impacts students’ experiences throughout…

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Dominion Over Technology w/ Jeff Mingee

In the world of classical Chrisitian education, if there is one enemy that has the ability to undermine our work in shaping habits and affections, it is the one-eyed cyclop – the digital screen. We live in a tech world and are blessed in many ways because of it, but the all-pervasive screen voices flood…

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Seven Elements of a Healthy School w/ Walter Kearns

What is a healthy school? There are many ways to answer this question because schools are complex organizations. Healthy schools have the right curriculum and well-trained teachers but also have to be guided by capable leaders and boards. If you were to have in front of you, a dashboard monitoring all the key indicators of…

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Desperate for Depth in an Age of the Superficial w/ Alex Petkas

Classical Christian educators aren’t just interested in the old stuff for nostalgia sake or to hide from the crazy modern world (although it may be tempting at times), we hold on the great writers and thinkers going all the way back to the greeks and romans because generations because they have stood the test of…

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