Realities & Opportunities of Protecting Children w/ Greg Love
Today we tackle a challenging topic – one not easy but one that has reached an epidemic level among...
God, Tech, and the Next Generation w/ Tony Reinke
Is it godly to be anti-tech? Recent studies indicate the average American teen is spending 7-9 hours a day...
Renewing Our Imaginations w/ Jessica Hooten Wilson
Classical Christian folks celebrate high-level thinking, and rightly so, but as humans, we are ultimately driven by our hearts...
Modern Science Meets Ancient Practice w/ Jason Barney
There is no doubt that a Classical Christian Education is transformative in the life of a young person. But...
Seeking and Living in Cultural Harmony w/ Russ Gregg
Today’s news headlines are more troublesome than ever. Stress levels are higher, people are more contentious than ever, yet...
The Telos of Education with David Diener
Too many people today assume the primary goal of education is to get enough knowledge and training to get...
200th Episode w/ Keith McCurdy
Four years ago I launched this podcast out of what began several years before as a Tuesday night parent...
Life Without Fear w/ Ben Bost
We live in a therapeutic age where feelings and emotions dominate reason and confidence in truth. Almost anywhere you...