christian parenting

Finding Balance In A Non-stop Digital Age ~ Tony Reinke

Author Tony Reinke’s newest book, Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age, addresses the tension between seeing as God sees versus what we see all around us… anything from Facebook to Twitter, from Netflix to a kiss cam. This constant media barrage means that what is not explicitly sinful still pulls our gaze away…

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Wisdom from Alistair Begg on Raising the Next Generation

What if you found yourself on a train traveling through Europe and you discovered Dr. Alistair Begg was sitting across from you. You know, Alistair Begg, the pastor and teacher of Truth For Life who grew up in Scotland and whose voice is now heard around the world?  And what if you asked him to give you some advice…

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Some Things Don’t Change. Raising A Generation with Truth – John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur has been a pastor-teacher for more than five decades. Despite the constant changes around us in pop culture and technology, God’s Truth doesn’t change and the Word of God is just as alive as a power to guide, direct and encourage our children. Join us as Dr. MacArthur shares practical wisdom on how…

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Who Wears the Pants? Kids or Parents? Parts 1 – 3

In the late 1950s the sitcom “Father Knows Best” ran for six successful seasons. Jim Anderson was the confident father who was clearly the loving authority in his home, along with his wife, Margaret. Whenever their children Betty, Bud, and Kathy needed advice on anything at all, they always turned to their father, because he…

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