
Wisdom from Alistair Begg on Raising the Next Generation

What if you found yourself on a train traveling through Europe and you discovered Dr. Alistair Begg was sitting across from you. You know, Alistair Begg, the pastor and teacher of Truth For Life who grew up in Scotland and whose voice is now heard around the world?  And what if you asked him to give you some advice…

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Sports Gone Mad: How to Reclaim Balance For Our Children – Ken Sugarman

Sports teams that go year round or travel most weekends appear to be the trend…but how is this affecting children and how can we navigate the pitfalls of an athletic industry gone mad? Today’s guest, Ken Sugarman, walks us through the problem and shares what he sees after 15 years of collegiate coaching and as…

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Raising Kids Who Love Christ – Making the worlds of Home, Church and School Connect

Raising the next generation is a team effort. Yes, school and yes, church, but what can we do at home to create an environment that helps develop a bold and confident faith in Christ?  Parents choose their church, and classical Christian schools work “in loco parentis” or under the authority of the parent. So how…

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Star Wars Does Battle Against the Me Generation

It is all about ME! Discover the greatest you! Just Do It! Be true to yourself! Countless slogans define our culture and whisper to our children…yet we are called to give up ourselves, take up our cross and follow after Jesus. Our guest and national speaker and author Sean McDowell provides insight into how to…

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