
Beyond Digital Natives: Fostering Depth in the Classroom w/ Dr. David Diener

Episode Summary: In this episode of BaseCamp Live, Davies and Dr. David Diener discuss how technology has changed education and why classical education is important for this cultural moment. Dr. Diener emphasizes that classical education plays a crucial role in fostering critical thinking and adaptability, essential skills for navigating the complexities of the modern age….

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Resetting Baselines with Keith Mccurdy (Live Sturdy #2)

What happens when we take the time to truly reset the lives of our young ones, especially those grappling with behavioral and learning issues? Join us as we delve into an enriching conversation with the seasoned Keith McCurdy, who after visiting over 40 schools, discusses the shared aspiration of parents and school leaders to offer…

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How to Make Lasting Friends with Justin Whitmel Earley

Have you ever felt a gnawing sense of loneliness, even when surrounded by others? Or found yourself drifting into isolation, despite our hyper-connected digital world? Join us as we venture into this seemingly paradoxical terrain with returning guest and author, Justin Whitmel Earley. Through his thought-provoking books, “Habits of the Household” and “Made for People:…

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C.S. Lewis’s Journey from Atheist to Apologist with Dr. Hal Poe

We’re thrilled to welcome back Dr. Hal Poe, an esteemed scholar who has delved deep into the life and faith of C.S. Lewis. The conversion of Lewis, a towering figure in the English-speaking world, serves as the centerpiece of our discussion today. We embark on an exploration of his spiritual journey, a voyage that saw…

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Latest Technology Student Impact w/ Chris McKenna

Latest statistics indicate that the average American spends more than seven hours a day looking at a screen with younger Gen Z individuals averaging more than nine hours. Classical Christian schools have the advantage of influencing students’ lives for an average of six hours every school day. As we raise up the next generation, how…

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Persuasive Technology and Cigarettes w/ Mary Blake Fletcher

I have in a computer file a recording of a television advertisement from the 1940s eagerly pitching Lucky Strike cigarettes. The most curious part is that the promotion is being made by a doctor in a white coat actively smoking while touting the benefits of smoking! Seems laughable, if not totally outrageous, by today’s standards….

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Finding Balance In A Non-stop Digital Age ~ Tony Reinke

Author Tony Reinke’s newest book, Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age, addresses the tension between seeing as God sees versus what we see all around us… anything from Facebook to Twitter, from Netflix to a kiss cam. This constant media barrage means that what is not explicitly sinful still pulls our gaze away…

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Mad Scientists! (It’s Bigger Than STEM)

In April 2017, the March for Science rally in 600 cities around the world touted science as a pillar of human freedom and prosperity. In a world of technology and the pressure to stay competitive with Asian schools and businesses, there is an increasing pressure on teaching science well. But is all science education the…

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Why Study Ancient Stuff and Old Dead White Guys?

Out with the old, in with the new. We live in a world that celebrates the new and is often dismissive or even suspicious of “old ways.” Join Tom and Davies as they trek through ancient Rome with students and see how the ancient world has much to teach students preparing for an increasingly complex,…

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