
Those Funny Words We Use…What Do We Mean By “Classical?” – Ty Fischer

What in the world does “classical” even mean? Most people today imagine something out of date, old and not relevant for the modern world. Head of School Ty Fischer...

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Think making kids memorize is oppressive? Speech Meet will change your mind – Carl Warmouth

Decades ago now, memorization largely disappeared from the American classroom. What happened? Progressive educators had decided that memorization was just rote learning at best and at worst was oppressive...

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Those Funny Words We Use…What exactly is “Virtue”? – Keith Buhler

Classical folks like to use fancy words that are often misunderstood. Some of our words may sound a little goofy in our contemporary culture, but are important to understanding...

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On the C.S. Lewis Anniversary: Would Narnia & Lord of the Rings even exist without The Inklings? How Community Influences Our Work – Diana Glyer

C.S. Lewis left an indelible mark on culture. On this anniversary of Lewis’s death in 1963, we enlist the help of Lewis expert, Diana Glyer, to explore the evidence...

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There’s an Educational Awakening Going On – Gordon Pennington

There’s an educational awakening going on. It’s not a new movement but it’s gaining momentum. It’s creating a national conversation that more and more people are getting in on...

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Bored with Everything? Awaken the Fire of Curiosity – Grant Horner

When you taste well prepared sushi, a McDonalds fish filet just isn’t so great. That’s what our guest today Grant Horner says when he talks about moving from being...

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An Unexpected Journey into Classical Christian Education – Keith Nix

Ever feel like you walked in late to the movie when it comes to understanding this CCE thing? Does it seem like everyone else is getting it and you...

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The Latest From Barna That Impacts Your Family – Brooke Hempell

The world is changing, spinning… what are the cultural forces at work and the trends that are impacting your children and schools today? Every type of media your child...

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Image Bearers: Becoming who you were made to be – Peter Baur

There seems to be an epidemic today of young people who don’t know who they are. They grasp for affirmation and value through their performance or a social media...

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Is Old ‘Bad’ and New ‘Good’ or the Other Way Around? – Chris Perrin

Oh ye classical people, why do you cling to your old ways?  With your ancient books and Latin drills… What’s wrong with modern forms of education? Are we just like...

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