
Stanton Lanier on Music to Light the World

Ready for some encouragement? Music moves us, awakens our souls, and brings light to the world. My guest today, Stanton Lanier, is a pianist, composer, orchestrator, and faithful believer. He was inspired at an early age by the great composers. Today, his music is loved and listened to by people worldwide – young and old…

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Maryellen St. Cyr on How to Teach Well

We are a culture that values speed and volume over being paced and measured. How does the pedagogy of a classroom lead to joyful discovery and efficient learning? Classical Christian schools are on the rise, and most have impressive reading lists and ambitious goals of graduates, but how are teachers trained to teach? Most of…

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Chris McKenna on Why Parental Controls Don’t Work

Does your family have Digital Trust? How does Digital Trust help a family deal with pornography, YouTube, TikTok, or gaming? Good questions, and we’ll answer them. No parental control software can completely protect your child from online harm. And parental controls never replace the need for parents or teachers, for that matter. After over 1,100…

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The Buffalo Creek Boys School on Raising Boys: A Fresh Approach to Classical Christian Ed

Modern education produces weak men. The truth is, boys mature at different ages, need different learning environments, and are wired by God uniquely in their distinct bodies and minds. The task before us is to raise up a generation of young men who are confident in their identity, disciplined and skilled in their thinking, and…

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Cair Paravel Latin School on C.S. Lewis Bringing Their School Alive

Introduction: Perhaps no writer or thinker is more often quoted around classical Christian schools than famed Oxford and Cambridge professor C.S. Lewis.  Most of our schools engage Lewis’ writings through the K-12 journey, inevitably reading his Chronicles of Narnia series, but the Cair Paravel Latin School takes Lewis to an even higher level of engagement,…

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Joshua R. Farris on The Most Important Questions to Get Right

The big questions in life – who am I? what am I? why am I here? Every human throughout history has grappled with these questions. Get the answers right and you can live a virtuous, flourishing life. Yet today, too many students, and adults for that matter, are fumbling through life trying to find meaning…

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Dick Keyes on Teaching Truth in a Relativistic World

The world is getting crazy. How do we raise a generation that refuses to compromise in matters of faith, especially in a world that rejects, even scorns, anyone who believes in absolute truth? Like walking a roofline, how do we balance being in the world but not of it? On one side, a person can…

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Beating Hollywood Through Storytelling  And Capturing Students’ Hearts ~ Louis Markos

We classical Christian folk frequently talk about forming virtue in young people. But if we’re not careful, we can bury students in our well-intended rules and academic expectations and never ultimately transform their hearts and what they love. In a world of digital screens with movies and stories all around, we’d better be even better…

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Aiming Higher: Education Fit to Save Civilization (More Than Ever Series) ~ Jared Squires

What could be more important than excellent reading, writing, and arithmetic skills? More than ever, we need a generation of students who are cultivated to love what God loves, to think deeply, and to be real world ready. All of that sounds amazing and makes for good open house talks but is there longterm evidence…

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How Classical Christian Trains Graduates to Stand Strong ~ Matthew Breazeale

Culture is always downstream of education. We are reaping today the fruits of what has been taught or not taught in schools. At BCL, we’re big fans of classical Christian education precisely because it gives students what they need to be real world ready rather than sheltering them. Our guest today, Matthew Breazeale of Trinity…

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